Coffee review

How to make Arabica coffee beans How to make Arabica coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to cook Arabica coffee beans How to cook Arabica coffee beans? The first thing is to buy high-quality coffee beans, then prepare the coffee machine, and the rest is the key points to pay attention to when making coffee. Some people like to make coffee with a convenient and fast American coffee pot, and some people prefer to enjoy the plug pot (siphon) coffee.

How to cook Arabica coffee beans

How do you cook Arabica coffee beans? The first thing is to buy high-quality coffee beans, then to prepare the coffee machine, and the rest is the key points to pay attention to when making coffee.

The main points of brewing coffee 1. Choose the way you like to brew coffee

Some people like to brew coffee in a convenient and fast American coffee pot, some prefer the romantic elegance of siphon coffee, while others prefer the simplicity and purity of French pressure, the Italian style of mocha pot, or the flavor of hand-brewed coffee. In any case, the cooking method that is suitable for others may not be the most suitable for you, and choosing your own most suitable and favorite coffee brewing method is the first condition to enjoy the fun of DIY coffee brewing.

The main points of brewing coffee 2. Use good water to make coffee

More than 98% of the ingredients in a cup of coffee are water. The importance of water is beyond doubt! If you use bad water to brew coffee, even using the best beans is in vain-because bad water can destroy the best coffee. Even a simple filter kettle can filter out many bad substances for tap water, making the brewed coffee more fragrant, strong and mellow. Like making tea, you need to avoid using distilled water, and if the tap water in your place is of poor quality, using clean mountain spring water is also an ideal way.

The main points of brewing coffee 3. Enough coffee beans

Coffee beans must be used in sufficient portions. Too little coffee powder may lead to insipidity, but not too much at a time. The standard amount of coffee is to brew a cup of coffee (about 180cc) with two flat spoons (about 15 grams) of coffee beans (powder).

The main points of brewing coffee 4. Water temperature is very important

Generally speaking, the most suitable water temperature for brewing coffee is between 88 and 94 degrees Celsius. Avoid using boiling hot water to brew coffee. Let the water boil and let it sit for 1-2 minutes before making coffee. .
