Coffee review

Kenya Coffee Raw Bean Kenya AA Manor Import Raw Coffee Bean washed Raw Bean fresh Kenya

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The taste and quality of Kenyan coffee is as intriguing as its natural scenery. The reason Kenya produces high-quality coffee is that industrious people love coffee as much as lovers in love. The grasslands of East Africa are famous all over the world. when tourists from all over the world arrive in Kenya, which is famous for its wildlife, they often go straight to the Masai Mara and other national reserves to see male lions and cheetahs.

The taste and quality of Kenyan coffee is as intriguing as its natural scenery. The reason Kenya produces high-quality coffee is that industrious people love coffee as much as lovers in love.

The grasslands of East Africa are famous all over the world, and tourists from all over the world often go straight to Masai Mara and other national reserves to see lions, cheetahs, elephants and rhinos when they arrive in Kenya, which is famous for its wildlife. But the local people who have lived here for generations and the Europeans, Indians and Pakistanis who have long regarded it as their native land do not all drive their own planes and watch the sunrise in Chavo National Park like Dennis Finch Hatton in "out of Africa." what they like is the dotted country clubs and family ranches on the outskirts of Kenyan cities such as Nairobi. Because you can enjoy the purest Kenyan coffee there.

Kenyan coffee has an irresistible aroma, although it tastes a little sour, but this is the characteristic of Kenyan coffee. Pure Kenyan coffee tastes like a fresh and sweet fruit flavor, sometimes like blackcurrant or BlackBerry flavor, and is excellent medium mellow, is a favorite of many coffee gluttons. Kenyan coffee has an excellent medium-bodied, crisp and refreshing taste, fresh flavor and is most suitable for drinking iced coffee in summer. When tasting this coffee, if it is paired with sour fruits such as grapefruit, it will certainly give you the best coffee experience.

In addition to its obvious and charming acidity, Kenyan coffee is mostly from small coffee farms, grown in a variety of different environments, encounter different climate and rainfall every year, and bring a variety of distinct and unique personalities. Take Kenyan AA coffee as an example, in 2001, it had a strong black plum flavor, low acidity and strong taste, while the newly harvested ones in the winter of 2002 showed a completely different flavor, with mulberry berries and green plums, with a little Nanyang spice. After drinking, the aftertaste has the sweetness of green tea, the acidity is slightly higher than the year before last, and the taste is still strong. This is the most unique feature of Kenyan coffee, which always makes many coffee fans full of expectations and surprises with its amazing taste.

Coffee carving in Africa

The best thing Africa has left people is that we can sit down and taste the mellow aroma of a cup of coffee anytime, anywhere.

People in the coffee industry all think that Kenyan coffee is one of its favorite coffee, because Kenyan coffee contains every feeling we want from a good cup of coffee: wonderful, satisfying aroma, balanced acidity, uniform particles and excellent fruit taste.

The sensation of the Hollywood movie "out of Africa" has made Kenyan coffee famous in the world. Many people may still remember the beautiful scenery and the magnificent sunset in the film, but what is even more unforgettable is Karen's coffee plantation in Africa. In her youth, the Karen family was rich and had an aristocratic air in her every move. She wanted to marry Hans, a Swedish nobleman, and make herself wear a real aristocratic title. But Hans was just playing games with her; in a fit of anger, Karen accepted a marriage proposal from Hans's bankrupt brother Poirot. She asked Polo to go with her to Kenya in Africa to run a farm of her family. In Nairobi, Karen married Poirot and then came to her farm in a horse-drawn carriage. Although Karen was unhappy when Polo decided to change his plan to raise cows to grow coffee without consulting Karen, Karen soon fell in love with the primitive and romantic land and her simple and loyal servants. Of course, her love for all this is accompanied by the mentality of a superior white occupant. She called it "my Africa", "my manor", and even called her servant Kikuine "my kikuine".

Today, there are many beautiful coffee gardens on the outskirts of Nairobi. These gardens have beautiful names, "Karen Coffee Garden", "Rustynail", "Kentmary", "WhistlingThorn", "Windsor Club" and so on. Each garden has a unique view and excellent coffee. Only those who have a discerning eye can appreciate the long and meaningful charm of the country coffee garden.

Karen Garden is the former home of Danish woman Karen, who is the heroine of "out of Africa". After leaving Africa, Karen left large tracts of her home and coffee garden to her black housekeeper. After several changes, an American female architect bought Karen's former house and turned it into Karen Coffee Garden in six months.

Today's Karen Garden is a gathering place for whites in Nairobi. There are the best local bands and fashionable parties in Nairobi, and many tourists abandon the upscale hotels in the city and stay in cabins in the garden. These separate cabins are scattered in the depths of the garden. At night, the waiter lit a fire in the fireplace in the room, sprinkled flowers with white sheets and sent seasonal fruit. The fireplace in the corner of the patio in the coffee shop was also burning.

Coffee is a part of life in Africa, whether in the depths of the most remote East African Rift Valley or in the Maasai nomadic Masai Mara prairie, whether urban or rural, you can always smell coffee and go, stay and savor. Carve those endless African times with a cup of coffee.

The secret of Kenyan coffee

Kenyan AA coffee is one of the rare good coffees. It is famous for its rich aroma and balanced acidity and is loved by many foodies. It is perfect and balanced, and has a wonderful and strong flavor, both fresh and not overbearing, is a complete but not heavy taste experience.

Kenyan coffee from Africa is the most popular coffee in Europe. It has a wonderful and strong flavor; take a sip and feel that it strikes your whole tongue at the same time, the flavor is both fresh and not domineering, and it is definitely a complete but not heavy taste experience. You should know that Kenya grows high-quality Arabica coffee beans, which absorb almost the essence of the whole coffee tree, with a slightly sour, thick aroma, bright, complex, fruity flavor and grapefruit aroma, suitable for hot or ice drinks. It is for this reason that Europeans love Kenyan coffee, especially in Britain, and even surpass Costa Rican coffee as one of the most popular coffee.

As early as the 19th century, Ethiopian coffee drinks were imported into Kenya through Yemen. But it was a century before the Bourbon Coffee Tree was introduced to Kenya by the St. Austin Mission.

Kenyan coffee is generally grown at an altitude of 1500 to 2100 meters and is harvested twice a year. To ensure that only ripe berries are picked, local coffee farmers often make about seven rounds of inspection in the forest. Kenyan coffee is generally grown by small farmers, who usually send fresh coffee beans to cooperative cleaning stations after harvesting. The washing station sends the dried coffee to the cooperative in the form of "parchment coffee beans" (that is, coffee beans covered with endocarp) to the cooperative ("parchment coffee beans" is the last state before coffee beans are peeled). All the coffee is collected together, and the growers charge the average price according to their actual quality. This trading method generally works well and is fair to both growers and consumers.

The Kenyan government takes the coffee industry very seriously and responsibly, where it is illegal to cut down or destroy coffee trees. Kenyan coffee buyers are world-class high-quality coffee buyers, and no other country can grow, produce and sell coffee on a continuous basis like Kenya. All coffee beans are first acquired by the Kenya Coffee Commission (CoffeeBoardofKenya, CBK), where they are identified, graded, and then sold at weekly auctions, where they are no longer graded. The Kenya Coffee Commission only acts as an agent to collect coffee samples and distribute them to buyers so that they can determine the price and quality. The Nairobi auction is for private exporters and the Kenya Coffee Commission pays growers a price below the market price. The best coffee grade is bean berry coffee (PB), followed by AA++, AA+, AA, AB and so on. The fine coffee is shiny, delicious and slightly alcoholic.

Ken Ken prayed for the pearl bean of Ambuyala Manor.


Country: Kenya

Grade: AA

Producing area: Qianbu town, central province

Baking degree: shallow baking

Altitude: 1732 m

Annual rainfall: 988~1300mm

Treatment method: washing treatment

Variety: SL28,SL34

Producer: Yala Manor

Soil: dark red soil with good drainage

Flavor: dark fruit, raisins

Citrus acidity, sweet taste of guava and grapefruit