Coffee review

How to choose coffee and raw beans by hand? Choose the right raw coffee beans? Cupid, god of love, Baru volcano, Panama

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What kind of raw beans are high-quality raw beans? First look at the surface of beans, fresh and high-quality raw beans, the surface is shiny, in addition, the processing of good raw beans, uniform color, the surface of uneven color can not be called good beans, must choose uniform color. Secondly, the particle size is the same, which is also evidence of good quality management. Make sure that the particle size is the same when you buy it.

What kind of raw beans are high-quality raw beans? First look at the surface of the beans, fresh high-quality raw beans, shiny surface, in addition, processed good raw beans, uniform color, uneven color surface can not be called good beans, must choose uniform color when purchasing. Secondly, the particle size is consistent, which is also evidence of good quality management. Make sure the particle size is consistent when purchasing. Uniform and neat coffee beans can achieve consistent roasting effect; otherwise, some are too deep and bitter, and some are too shallow and sour, which will affect the overall taste of roasted coffee beans. Green beans are divided into several grades according to quality standards, which vary from place to place and are basically determined according to size and shape. The higher the grade, the better the quality. At present, because the domestic coffee green bean market has just started, the coffee green beans sold are mainly low-grade futures beans. The green beans we get usually have many flaws. Defective coffee beans are quite harmful, including variants that are not flat beans or round beans, and because of developmental abnormalities, the center of the green beans is broken during shelling. The beans tend to be uneven when baked. Fermented beans/black beans are fermented internally during processing or washing. Fermented sour. Green beans/white dead beans Coffee cherries are harvested before they are fully ripe. The beans are ivory in color and green in taste when baked. Mildew beans processing, transportation process damp, rain, mold breeding. As long as there is a bean mold, it will soon spread to others, be sure to pay attention. Worm-eaten beans are eaten by a pest called coffee beetles, which have wormholes in the beans and give coffee a bad smell.


Country: Panama

Level: SHB

Origin: Baru Volcano

Altitude: 1600-1650m

Annual rainfall: 3500 mm

Treatment: honey treatment and traditional washing

Variety: Kaduai, Kadura, containing 30% rose

Harvest year: 2015

Raw beans specification: 17-18 mesh

Flavor: White grape, caramel, honey, black tea

From the B.O.P competition's winning region!

Panamanian coffee originated in 1780, when European immigrants introduced the first Tipica species. Located in Central America, the natural advantages of sunshine, land and mountains, coupled with sufficient labor population, make this area an excellent area for growing high-quality fine coffee, which is a paradise for breeding coffee. In particular, Geisha coffee produced in Panama has driven the global trend of attention to fine coffee and successfully attracted interest in Panamanian coffee in the global market. Boquete is Panama's oldest and most famous coffee-producing region, located east of the Baru volcano and is a plateau with an average elevation of about 1,000 - 2,000 meters. Among them, Volcan Baru National Park is an ecological conservation area, rich in biodiversity, with a variety of microclimates, coupled with the year-round haze, abundant rainfall, creating a very good local cultivation conditions, making the coffee with a unique aroma, Panama coffee production is the most, the best quality production. Every harvest season, coffee farmers will wash the delicate method, and drying in the sun, so that coffee beans full and pure flavor.