Coffee review

How to choose coffee beans? Choosing the right coffee beans? El Salvador Estate Pacamara Raw Beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What kind of raw beans are high-quality raw beans? First look at the surface of the beans, fresh high-quality raw beans, shiny surface, in addition, processed good raw beans, uniform color, uneven color surface can not be called good beans, must choose uniform color when purchasing. Secondly, the particle size is consistent, which is also evidence of good quality management. When purchasing, confirm whether the particle size is consistent

What kind of raw beans are high-quality raw beans? First look at the surface of beans, fresh and high-quality raw beans, the surface is shiny, in addition, the processing of good raw beans, uniform color, the surface of uneven color can not be called good beans, must choose uniform color. Secondly, the particle size is the same, which is also evidence of good quality management. Make sure that the particle size is the same when you buy it. Even and neat coffee raw beans can achieve a consistent baking effect; otherwise, some are too deep and bitter, and some are too shallow and sour, which will affect the overall taste of roasted coffee beans. Raw beans are divided into several grades according to quality standards, which vary from place to place, basically according to size and shape. The higher the grade, the better the quality. At present, as the domestic coffee raw bean market has just started, the coffee raw beans sold are mainly low-grade futures beans. People usually have a lot of defects in the raw beans they get. Defective coffee beans are quite harmful, including that the mutated beans are neither flat nor garden beans. Due to abnormal development, the raw beans are broken in the center when they are shelled. This kind of bean is prone to uneven baking. Fermented beans / black beans are fermented internally in the process of processing or washing. It has the smell of fermented acid. Unripe beans / white dead beans are harvested when the coffee fruit is not fully ripe. This kind of bean is ivory after baking and tastes green and astringent. The process of processing and transportation of mildew beans is affected by damp, rain and mold. As long as one bean is moldy, it will soon spread to others, so be careful. Worm-eaten beans are eaten by a pest called coffee bark beetle, and there are insect eyes on the beans, which make coffee smell.

Country: El Salvador

Grade: SHG

Production area: Izalco area, Sonsonate province

Planting height: 1800 meters

Picking season: January

Treatment: washing and fermentation, sun drying

Variety: Pakamara

Manor: FincaAtaisi

Flavor: nut chocolate, passion fruit, cream, strawberry

El Salvador is located in Central America, bordered by Guatemala and Honduras in the north, and the Pacific coastline in the west and south. El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America and the most densely populated country in Central America. Although the land area of El Salvador is small, it has dozens of volcanoes, and it is the country with the highest volcanic density in the world, so it is called the "country of volcanoes". The average elevation of the country is high, and this geographical environment is very conducive to the growth of coffee, and the western part of El Salvador near Guatemala is the main coffee producing area.

Coffee in El Salvador is grown mostly by small farmers, who grow it in the traditional way: almost 100% shade. The coffee harvest lasts from November to March. The fresh fruit of coffee is picked by hand.

On the whole, Salvadoran coffee inherits the mild quality of Sino-American coffee, which is soft, slightly sour and has beautiful sweetness. At the same time, it also has its own characteristics: the aromatic taste is slightly sour and very soft; it is pure and has no miscellaneous flavor, and the taste balance is excellent; the smooth feeling like cream chocolate is impressive; the dense feeling of coffee in the mouth gives the coffee a deep taste and a long finish.

Salvadoran coffee is graded according to the altitude of planting, with the highest grade being SHG:

More than SHG:StrictlyHighGrown-1200 meters

More than HG:HighGrown-900 meters

Above CS:CentralStandard-600 meters.

Introduction to Pacamara:

Pacamara is the artificial breeding variety of Pacas and Maragogipe. It was first cultivated by researchers in El Salvador in 1958. Pacamara is an excellent variety under rare artificial breeding, which is better than blue, and perfectly inherits the advantages of the mother plant. Both the excellent taste of Pacas and the large size of Maragogipe are inherited by raw bean granules. The bean body is at least 70% and 80% of that of elephant beans, with more than 17 orders and more than 100% and more than 18 eyes. Average bean length 1.03 cm (general bean about 0.8-0.85 cm) average bean width 0.71 cm (general bean about 0.6-0.65), thickness 0.37 cm, bean shape plump and round. The biggest feature of this variety is that it is sour, lively and tricky, sometimes biscuit, sometimes fruity, thick and greasy. The quality is the best from El Salvador and Guatemala.