Coffee review

PNG Kimmel Manor, Papua New Guinea, Iron pickup or Bourbon? Iron pickup coffee bean iron sheet

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Iron pickup "Typica" iron pickup, the name sounds majestic and powerful, but in fact it is not so strong. It has a weak physique, poor disease resistance, easy to catch rust leaf disease, and produces less fruit. It is one of the oldest native varieties in Ethiopia, and many Arabica are derived from iron pickups! The parietal leaf of the iron pickup is bronzed, and the bean grain is large, pointed, oval or thin.

Iron pickup "Typica" iron pickup, the name sounds majestic, but in fact it is not so strong. It has weak physique, poor disease resistance, easy to catch rust leaf disease and less fruit yield. It is one of the oldest native varieties in Ethiopia, and many Arabica are derived from iron pickups!

The parietal leaf of the iron pickup is bronzed, and the bean grain is large, pointed, oval or thin. Everyone is familiar with the well-known Mantenin, Blue Mountain, Elephant Bean, Kona, Yunnan Dou …... Wait. They are all derived from iron pickups.

Bourbon "Bourbon" bourbon is an ancient and excellent variety juxtaposed with iron pickup, and some botanists believe that bourbon is an early variety of iron pickup transplanted to Yemen.

Bourbon is almost all round beans, beans are a little smaller than tin card, ripening later, but the yield is 30% more than tin card. It is suitable for growing above 1200 meters above sea level, and its flavor is obviously more prominent than those below 1000 meters, but bourbon has a disadvantage that it will rest for a year as a result. Round bourbon is full of vitality, and its resistance to rust leaf disease is better than that of iron pickup, but its flavor is as good as it, or even better.

In 1810, some of the round beans in Bourbon Island mutated into pointed beans, which is known as the "pointed bourbon". It is characterized by a caffeine content of only half, low output, weak physique, and extremely rare, just like a weak aristocratic teenager.

In addition, the biggest thing that iron pickup and bourbon have in common is that they both need the protection of shade trees. if there is no shade tree to help it block the sun, it is not only not conducive to its growth, but also greatly reduces the flavor of coffee beans.


Country: Papua New Guinea

Grade: grade A

Producing area: Wiki Valley

Altitude: 1500 m

Treatment: washing

Varieties: Arusha, BlueMountain, Catimor

Producer: Kimmel Manor

Flavor: nuts, sucrose, low acid and solid

Located in the east of the Indonesian archipelago, Papua New Guinea, which is dominated by highlands, has a pattern of large manors / farms and small farmers, growing a variety of coffee varieties. The coffee flavor of Papua New Guinea is very different from that of other Asian regions such as Indonesia, South Asia, India or the Pacific Islands. compared with Indonesian beans (Sumatra, Sulawesi) which are mostly semi-washed (wet peeling), they show low acidity, mellow texture and soil conditioning.

Papua New Guinea, to the east of Indonesia, has a standard island climate, located between the equator and 10 poisonous latitudes, with tropical rain forest volcanic rocks and plateau topography, between 1200 and 2500 meters above sea level, making it a paradise for growing coffee. The local yield is small, and about 85% of the total coffee is produced by the garden cultivation system of small farmers. Small farmers join local cooperatives and share their processing equipment. Coffee is Pakistan's second largest export of agricultural products, which shows the importance of coffee industry to Pakistan's economy. Because the variety of coffee is different from that of Indonesia, and the altitude is higher than Sumatra, coupled with the use of water washing treatment, the regional taste of PNG coffee is different from Indonesia's muggy and low flavor, but has bright, sweet and sour, flower and fruit aromas, similar to the flavor of South America.