Coffee review

Coffee beans and coffee powder selection and preservation what coffee beans should be paid attention to the purchase and preservation of Asian beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Although coffee is made from coffee beans, the type of coffee beans here determines the noble status of coffee. So what are the kinds of coffee beans? What is the function of coffee beans? How do you cook coffee beans? How much is a jin of coffee beans? Which brand of coffee beans tastes good? I believe that these are not known to everyone, and there are probably only a few.

Although coffee is made from coffee beans, the type of coffee beans here determines the noble status of coffee. So what are the kinds of coffee beans? What is the function of coffee beans? How do you cook coffee beans? How much is a jin of coffee beans? Which brand of coffee beans tastes good? I believe that these are not well known, it is likely that only a few people know, the following mother network encyclopedia to popularize the relevant knowledge of coffee beans.

Types of coffee beans

What kinds of coffee beans do you have? There are mocha coffee, Colombian coffee, Mantenin coffee, charcoal coffee, Brazilian coffee, Kenya coffee, Hawaiian coffee and so on. Let's take a look at the characteristics of these seven types of coffee:

Mocha coffee: at present, the coffee produced in Yemen is the best, followed by Ethiopia's mocha; mocha coffee belt smooth in the acid is extremely sour, sweet, unique flavor, containing chocolate flavor; with the temperament of a lady, is a very characteristic pure coffee.

Colombian coffee: SUPREMO is the most characteristic coffee in Colombia, its coffee is soft and mellow, with slight acid to medium acid, its quality and flavor are stable, it is a medium coffee, it is used to prepare comprehensive coffee. ...

How to choose coffee beans

Choose high-quality coffee beans in order to brew mellow coffee, therefore, coffee lovers must know how to buy coffee beans. The taste of coffee beans from different areas will also be different, in addition to their own preferences to choose, we also need to know how to identify the quality of coffee beans. How to choose coffee beans? You need to master the following three steps, be sure to "get in touch" with the coffee beans in front of you:

Smell: put the coffee beans close to the nose and smell if you can clearly smell the aroma of the coffee beans. If so, it means the coffee beans are fresh enough. On the contrary, if the aroma is weak, or if it has begun to appear greasy, it means that the coffee beans are completely stale. It is impossible for such coffee beans to make a good cup of coffee. Look: spread the coffee beans on your hands, determine the origin and variety of coffee beans, and determine whether the coffee beans are roasted evenly. The color of evenly roasted coffee beans is also uniform and smooth. ...

Roasting of coffee beans

Baking coffee at home is the best way to enjoy fresh coffee, because roasted coffee beans can not last long, only about two weeks, so friends who pay attention to enjoyment had better learn to roast coffee beans at home. Nowadays, many coffee manufacturers sell unbaked coffee beans. Home roasting can also greatly reduce the cost of drinking coffee. In addition, they can also adjust the baking details according to their taste preferences. The roasting method of home coffee beans is very simple, you can use microwave or oven to bake, let's take a look at the detailed steps!

1. Before baking, pick out the residual beans (insect beans, fermented beans, shell beans, etc.). ...

How to grind coffee beans

How do you grind coffee beans? It can be carried out mainly by two methods, one is the traditional manual grinding, the other is that it can be ground by bean grinding machine, each of which has its own advantages.

Grind coffee beans manually:

Hand-ground coffee beans, the powder particles are uniform, can better maintain the original flavor. But the grinding speed is too slow, so now coffee shops are usually used as a backup in the event of a power outage. This is a more traditional method of grinding coffee beans, with the development of economy, people's pace is more and more compact, hand-grinding coffee is too time-consuming for people to wait, so machine grinding coffee beans arises at the historic moment.

Machine grind coffee beans:

This kind of grinding speed is fast, but also can adjust the thickness of the grinding powder, because the grinding speed is fast, so it reduces the volatilization of coffee bean aroma, the grinding powder is also very uniform, and the production capacity is large, so it is widely used. Machine grinding coffee beans can choose two kinds, as follows:.

Shelf life of coffee beans

How long is the shelf life of coffee beans? Generally speaking, coffee beans can be preserved for more than a year or two if they are well preserved. But if the coffee beans are damp, then this shelf life is empty talk, the same can not be eaten. Moreover, what we need to know is that the shelf life of coffee beans actually refers to the period during which the aroma components of coffee can be retained, not the time of deterioration. Coffee beans can be preserved longer in a vacuum, and they can also be kept sealed for a long time if damp is avoided.

When the viscosity of coffee powder increases after being exposed to moisture, it will clog the coffee machine grinder and cause adverse effects on the machine. Once coffee beans are exposed to moisture, they will easily deteriorate and become moldy, which will greatly shorten their shelf life, be harmful to their health, and affect the taste of coffee drinks. ...

How to make coffee beans

A cup of pure coffee, drinking into the mouth slightly bitter has an obvious sweet back, the aftertaste is long, is the instant coffee can not compare, pure coffee is made of coffee beans grinding, how to make coffee? According to the coffee machine used to do the correct grinding, grinding can be divided into three stages: rough grinding, medium grinding, and fine grinding.

Coarse ground coffee is suitable for filter coffee pot, medium ground coffee is suitable for follicular, flannel filter and siphon coffee pot, and fine grinding is most suitable for coffee distiller. The shorter the brewing time, the more detailed the grinding particles should be. Because the smaller the particles, the larger the area of contact with hot water, so the brewing time is shorter. And too fine grinding will make the coffee more bitter, at the same time, it is easier to block the coffee machine, too coarse grinding, it will make more tasteless coffee.

Country: Papua New Guinea

Grade: grade A

Producing area: Wiki Valley

Altitude: 1500 m

Treatment: washing

Varieties: Arusha, BlueMountain, Catimor

Producer: Kimmel Manor

Flavor: nuts, sucrose, low acid and solid

Located in the east of the Indonesian archipelago, Papua New Guinea, which is dominated by highlands, has a pattern of large manors / farms and small farmers, growing a variety of coffee varieties. The coffee flavor of Papua New Guinea is very different from that of other Asian regions such as Indonesia, South Asia, India or the Pacific Islands. compared with Indonesian beans (Sumatra, Sulawesi) which are mostly semi-washed (wet peeling), they show low acidity, mellow texture and soil conditioning.