Coffee review

SCAA barista certification cup coffee test terminology certification required by professional baristas

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, SCAA consists of two chapters: the baristas Association (Barista Guild of America) and the Baker Association (Roasters Guild), both of which are made up of professional coffee practitioners. Members improve the quality of coffee in the industry through information exchange, skills training and cooperation. At the same time, the Coffee quality Association (CQI) is the public trust machine of SCAA and the largest coffee culture in the coffee industry.

SCAA has two branches: Barista Guild of America and Roasters Guild, both of which are composed of professional coffee practitioners who exchange information, skills training and cooperation to improve the quality of coffee in the industry. The Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) is SCAA's charitable trust and the coffee industry's largest provider of coffee training and technical assistance.

SCAA certification is highly authoritative. SCAA certified coffee judges (Certified SCAA Cupping Judges) There are only three, all from the United States; coffee quality tasters licensed by SCAA (Licensed Q Graders) At present, there are 521 in the world, from 18 countries, of which Colombia has the most, 161, and Japan has the most in Asia, with 60. So far, China has the first Licensed Q grader named Lu Jiewei in the mainland, serving in Beijing. At the same time, SCAA also provides various certifications for coffee practitioners and coffee enterprises all over the world, including:

Barista Guild of America Certification

It is a professional barista training course with three levels from low to high: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. There are courses and exams at each level. You can take the exam after completing the course. If you think you are good enough, you can take the exam without taking the course. After passing the exam, you can get a certificate.

Coffee Brewer Certification

Coffee machine manufacturers can contact SCAA to apply for certification of their coffee machines. All coffee machines applying for certification will be sent to SCAA's office center in Long Beach, California for testing. Coffee machines that pass the test can be marked with the certified product logo.

Cupping Judges Lab Certification

This accredited laboratory can be used to teach SCAA Coffee Taster Certification courses
