Coffee review

What is boutique coffee?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Generally speaking, the basic level of coffee in circulation on the market is based on the export specifications of various countries.

This output standard is based on the particle size of coffee beans and the altitude of the producing place, not according to the specific producing place and manor, variety, and not according to the taste and aroma of coffee.

The pursuit of action began to be realized, like wine tasting of coffee cup test (taste), the evaluation of coffee taste and aroma of the new criteria is to produce, to produce and manor of coffee, aroma and taste of the characteristics of a clear judgment. Coffee with a score of more than 80 points in this cup test is called "boutique coffee".

And this kind of "boutique coffee", just like buying green vegetables in the supermarket, you can know the appearance and name of the producer, the place and estate of the coffee and the production process.

Alliance for Coffee Excellence Inc. (ACE)

Cup of Excellence (COE)

In 1999, the world's first international coffee evaluation conference "Cup of Excellence (COE)" was held in Brazil and is now being held in nine countries.

Coffee with a score of more than 84 points in "Cup of Excellence (COE)" is called the best coffee among the best, and it is auctioned at an international online auction.

The producers who scored more than 84 points and won the title of "Cup of Excellence (COE)" were recognized and honored in general, such as the quality of coffee, the quality of coffee production, and so on. Producers can also get a very high status. Therefore, it makes the producers form the motivation to continuously produce excellent coffee and is closely related to the continuous profit income.