Coffee review

How to use the coffee powder press how to use the powder press

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Why are there different sizes of powder hammers? In fact, there are two sizes of powder hammer, the small size is about 49mm to 53mm (4.0cm to 5.2cm), and the large size is from 57.5mm to 58.5mm (5.75cm to 58.5cm). The difference in specification is mainly due to the problems of household Italian machines and commercial coffee machines. Large powder bowls are commonly used in commercial businesses, and every coffee maker company

Why are there different sizes of powder hammers?

In fact, there are two sizes of powder hammer, the small size is about 49mm to 53mm (4.0cm to 5.2cm), and the large size is from 57.5mm to 58.5mm (5.75cm to 58.5cm). The difference in specification is mainly due to the problems of household Italian machines and commercial coffee machines. Large powder bowls are commonly used in commercial use, and each coffee maker company has its own size, so the situation between 57.5mm and 58.5mm occurs.

General bias powder hammer manufacturers will be in 58mm, on the one hand, to facilitate production, on the other hand, the cost will be relatively low. If you ask for a more accurate size, the cost and technology will also increase, so the price will vary from dozens of yuan to 300 yuan. The powder hammer will also increase with the company brand, type of powder hammer, material, weight, design or limited edition and other influencing factors.

Well, from the above two main points, we can see that the main function of a powder press is to flatten and tamp the coffee powder. We can understand that the powder press has become a bridge between the barista and the coffee machine.

From left to right, RB ferrous metal handle 58mm flat bottom hammer bottom, RB black frosted metal handle 58mmC-Ripple hammer bottom, domestic Brazilian rosewood handle 58.2mm flat bottom hammer bottom, Pullman checkerboard handle suitable for La Marzocco powder bowl American Curve hammer bottom, German Concept-art metal adjustable pressure 58mm flat bottom hammer bottom, La Marzocco original metal handle American Curve hammer bottom, Japanese aluminum alloy handle 53mm quantitative powder press.

If you have the experience of customizing the Pullman powder press, the Pullman website will remind you what machine to use, what powder bowl, what hammer bottom to fit, you can personally choose the handle that suits you. Obviously, the bottom of the hammer should be suitable for machines and powder bowls, and the handle should be suitable for baristas.