Coffee review

Hand pre-soaking time using parameters grinding scale coffee beans grinding coffee utensils how to make coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Pre-soaking time using parameters shallow baking for 30 seconds, roasting for 20 seconds, deep baking for 20 seconds, rebaking for 10 seconds and 15 seconds for re-baking, do not pre-soak, the finer the grinding is, the shorter the pre-soaking time is.

Pre-soaking time usage parameters

Shallow baking for 30 minutes and 40 seconds

Medium baking for 20 seconds and 30 seconds

Medium and deep baking for 10 seconds and 15 seconds

Re-bake do not pre-soak, use continuous sailor flushing

The finer the grinding, the shorter the pre-soaking time.