Coffee review

Berman Manor in the Central Mountain area of Nyeri, a coffee-producing region of Kenya with a good sense of sweetness and richness.

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, As far as I know, the first coffee grown in Kenya dates back to 1893. Coffee was later grown on a large scale by the British on the plateau at an altitude of 1400 to 2100 meters, where there is volcanic ash soil rich in organic matter. In fact, most coffee is now grown on flatter slopes around the snow-capped Mount Kenya (the main peak is 5199 meters high), all over Kenya.

As far as I know, the first coffee grown in Kenya dates back to 1893. Coffee was later grown on a large scale by the British on the plateau at an altitude of 1400 to 2100 meters, where there is volcanic ash soil rich in organic matter. In fact, most coffee is now grown on the flatter slopes around the snow-capped Mount Kenya (the main peak is 5199 meters high). The whole of Kenya is located in the tropical monsoon area, but due to its higher topography, the climate is savannah climate. there are great differences in precipitation seasons.

The highest temperature of the year is 22: 26 ℃ and the lowest is 10: 14 ℃. These conditions are very suitable for the excellent growth of Arabica beans. And high-quality Arabica coffee beans, its suitable growth conditions are on the slopes of 900m ~ 2000 meters above sea level in the tropics, the suitable growth temperature is 15024 ℃, the higher humidity, the annual rainfall is not less than 1500 ml, the soil is fertile and acidic, the volcanic ash is very suitable, and there are appropriate sunshine and shade conditions. based on these characteristics, most of them are located in countries with alpine topography at the Tropic of Cancer. This generation is also known as the world coffee belt, and Kenya happens to be one of them, and the topographical and climatic conditions are very suitable for the growth of high-quality coffee.

Then after tracing back to the origin, it should be a variety. However, what kind of Kenyan AA is the Kenyan AA that I drink with a strong ripe fruit flavor and red wine flavor? What level does it belong to?

The answer is that although Kenya is bordered by Ethiopia, the ancient coffee country, it was not until the beginning of the 20th century that Kenya developed the coffee planting industry due to the intervention of British and French forces. Interestingly, Ethiopia is a natural ancient variety, without the help of variety screening and genetic engineering, and does not apply chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In Kenya, on the contrary, not only coffee varieties are selected or mixed-race improved varieties, but also chemical fertilizers, pesticides and sun-exposed inorganic planting methods. Unexpectedly, the taste spectrum of the coffee is not only not vulgar, but also very delicate, with bright and changeable acidity, good sweetness and thickness, and better cleanliness than other countries. This is mainly due to the outstanding variety screened and improved by Kenya: SL28/SL34, and the unique global double fermentation washing method.