Coffee review

Mocha pot + manual milk bubble pot BIALETTI, TIAMO mocha pot brands make coffee at home

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Mocha pot + manual milk bubble pot does it have to cost so much to drink a latte or cappuccino? If the quality of coffee is not very high, like to drink fancy coffee with more milk and sugar, there is also the most economical solution, that is mocha pot + manual milk bubble pot. Generally speaking, a mocha pot of two or three hundred yuan is basically enough. The more famous brands are: BIALE

Mocha pot + manual milk bubble pot

Does it have to cost so much to have a latte or cappuccino? If the quality of coffee is not very high, like to drink fancy coffee with more milk and sugar, there is also the most economical solution, that is mocha pot + manual milk bubble pot. Generally speaking, a mocha pot of two or three hundred yuan is basically enough.

The more famous brands are: BIALETTI, TIAMO

Coffee knowledge Popularization-espresso (Espresso) and Italian Coffee Machine

Advantages: economical, close to espresso (espresso), suitable for coffee with sugar and milk.

Disadvantages: because the temperature is too high is basically excessive extraction, coffee is bitter; the pressure is not enough, the concentration is low.