Coffee review

Introduction to the treatment of raw coffee beans introduction of honey treatment introduction to the treatment process of coffee production

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Honey treatment as an advanced coffee processing method, there is no lack of practitioners in Yunnan. But not everywhere is suitable for the production of honey beans, coffee producing areas are mostly wet and rainy, this process is very easy to make coffee beans fermented mildew, mildew taste. Because in some places, while using honey treatment, it is easy to use microorganisms and natural nutrients to cultivate honey.

Honey treatment as an advanced coffee processing method, there is no lack of practitioners in Yunnan. But not everywhere is suitable for the production of honey beans, coffee producing areas are mostly wet and rainy, this process is very easy to make coffee beans fermented mildew, mildew taste. Because some places in the use of honey treatment, but also the use of microbial natural nutrients to cultivate honey treatment process is vulnerable to pollution and mildew, the need for close care of the whole process, constantly turning, speed up drying, in order to avoid bad fermentation flavor. The treatment methods of brown raw beans can be divided into three kinds. The distinction between each method is based on the fact that several layers of matter are removed from the fruit before the coffee is dried. The following is a list of the three major processing methods:

1. Natural sun treatment: retain all substances

two。 Honey treatment: remove the peel and pulp and retain some or all of the mucous membrane (honey)

3. Washing method: the peel, pulp and mucous membrane are removed by washing and fermentation. This method is also known as the complete washing method (Fully Washed). Shampoo is the most common way for most coffee-producing countries in the world to handle Arabica coffee beans. Some areas also use advanced high-pressure washing machines to clean the peel, pulp and mucous membrane of coffee beans, so fermentation is no longer needed. This method of using a high-pressure washing machine to treat coffee beans is called "Natural Water washing (Pulped Natural)". Its advantage is that it can best preserve the original sweet flavor of the ripe fruit of the coffee, giving the coffee a light black sugar flavor and drupe flavor, while the berry flavor also supports the basic aroma of red wine and is considered to be a very elegant product. The popularity of honey-treated coffee beans is largely due to its sweet and thick characteristics, which are very suitable for Espresso production in cafes. In recent years, more and more coffee beans are called "Miel Process", and they have also become the preferred material for international coffee contestants, so-called honey treatment (Spanish for Miel Process), which refers to the process of making raw beans with mucous membranes for sun-drying. After the outer pulp of the coffee bean is removed, there will be a layer of sticky jelly. The traditional method of washing is to wash it off with clean water, but because of the limitation of water resources in some high-altitude areas, this method of direct drying appears.