Coffee review

Ninety + CEO Joseph Brodsky Coffee Bean "Level" Logo Boutique Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, 90 + flavor spectrum, there is a Level logo. It is the number after the name L. For example, L12-means Level 12. This Level is roughly proportional to the price. It represents a grading model for individual green beans: based on quality, quantity, production cost, 90 + based on the original excellent green beans, continue to grade: Level 7: Single harvest. Delicate taste and

In the flavor spectrum of 90 +, there is a "Level" logo. It is the number after the product name is marked "L". For example, L12-means Level 12. The Level is probably in proportion to the price. It represents the grading model of raw beans: according to quality, quantity, production cost, 90 + based on the original excellent raw beans, continue to grade as follows:

Level 7: harvested in a single production area. The rare varieties with meticulous taste and special flavor are selected by hand and then treated by NinetyPlus to reach the standard of more than 90 +.

Level 12: harvest in a single production area. Negative adjectives such as "must be recognized and indelible" are used on the website to indicate that this grade of beans must be a good taste that every coffee maker will never forget.

Level 21 (L21), Level 39 (L39), most of these are Gesha varieties planted in Panamanian manors. Ethiopian Nekisse Red processed by special Red also belongs to Level 39 (L39).

Level 95 (L95) and Level 195 (195) are beans in the advanced microenvironment of the Panamanian manor, which are processed by patented drying technology after a long screening process. Reach the top taste standard in the design. Most of them will be processed under the personal care of the sponsor Joseph. The annual output may only reach about ten to dozens of kilograms. It's a collection.