Coffee review

How to use the electric drip filter mechanism to make coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Electric drip filter full name: household electric drip filter coffee machine. As the name implies, first, it uses electricity, and second, the coffee it makes is drip coffee. Its taste concentration can be the same as that made from a siphon pot.

Electric drop rate is the most widely used household coffee maker in Europe and the United States today.

Electric drip filter full name: household electric drip filter coffee machine. As the name implies, first, it uses electricity, and second, the coffee it makes is drip coffee. Its taste concentration can be the same as that made from a siphon pot.

Method of use

As long as there is electricity, water and coffee powder in the house, you can drink coffee. Put the coffee powder in the filter paper of the powder trough, add water to the water tank, put the glass pot in place correctly, start the power supply, and the coffee will drip out automatically. Cut off the power after the coffee is dripped and drink it.

The fineness of coffee powder used to filter coffee depends on whether you use a filter screen or filter paper. If the filter screen is thicker, the filter paper is thinner. In front of me, a friend asked why the electric drip filter could not produce flavor and aroma. One of the reasons is whether to use a filter screen or filter paper and the thickness of the powder. In addition, I suggest that when you buy electric drip filter, buy the one with scale in the water tank, because it can accurately control the ratio of powder to water.