Coffee review

Introduction of Manor Manor producing area of Fine Coffee Bean Flavor in Indonesia

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee is not old coffee, but slightly pale coffee through special treatment, this kind of coffee is more full-bodied, the acidity will decrease, but the mellowness will increase, the finish will be longer, and it will have a strong spicy flavor, sometimes sour, sometimes walnut, sometimes chocolate. Before Blue Mountain Coffee was discovered, Manning was regarded as the best coffee. Non

Coffee is not old coffee, but slightly pale coffee through special treatment, this kind of coffee is more full-bodied, the acidity will decrease, but the mellowness will increase, the finish will be longer, and it will have a strong spicy flavor, sometimes sour, sometimes walnut, sometimes chocolate. Before Blue Mountain Coffee was discovered, Manning was regarded as the best coffee. It is very interesting that although Indonesia produces the most mellow coffee in the world, Indonesians prefer Turkish-style coffee.

Mandarin Coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, also known as "Sumatran Coffee". The main producing areas are Java, Sulawesi and Sumatra, 90% of which are Robusta species. Among them, the "Mantelin" produced in Sumatra is the most famous. The best of the exquisite traditional Arabica coffee produced in northern Sumatra of Sumatra is sold as Lindong Lintong and Manning Mandheling. To be exact, Lindong Lintong refers to coffee growing in a small area in the southwest of Lake Toba in Lindong District. The small coffee growing area is scattered on a high and wavy clay plateau full of fern covers. Lintong Lindong Coffee is grown without shade, does not use chemicals, and is almost entirely owned by small private owners. Mandheling Manning is a broader term, including Lintong Lindong Coffee and Diari [capital Sidikalang] under similar conditions, the northern growing area of Lake Toba.