Coffee review

Carmen Manor Panamanian boutique coffee cherry Boqui specialty area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Carmen Manor has 60% of the natural primeval forest, where coffee trees are planted and grow in the shade of these natural trees! As a result, the farm has been certified by Rainforest Alliance Association as ECO- OK environmentally friendly coffee! The coffee beans are harvested from late December to March of the next year, and the mature coffee cherries are harvested artificially, and the waste produced in the fruit treatment (if the meat or juice are properly piled up.

Carmen Manor has 60% of the natural primeval forest, where coffee trees are planted and grow in the shade of these natural trees! As a result, the farm has been certified by Rainforest Alliance Association as ECO- OK environmentally friendly coffee! The coffee beans are harvested from late December to March of the next year, and the mature coffee cherries are harvested artificially. The waste from the fruit treatment (if the meat or juice is properly converted to composting or recycling, the raw beans are initially sun-dried and stored in the exclusive warehouse for secondary moisture content adjustment, and then shelled before export to maintain good quality of raw beans!

Carmen Manor

[Origin]: Panama

[manor]: Carmen Manor

[grade]: SHB, EP

[altitude]: 1750 m

[soil]: black soil

[particles]: 17 mesh

[variety]: Kaduai Catuai 70%, Kaddura Caurra20%, Iron pickup Typica, Dwarf San Ramon San Ramon, New World Mundo Novo 10%

[raw bean treatment]: semi-washed