Coffee review

Intense Indonesian Balinese coffee flavor taste Manor characteristics Fine coffee introduction

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Bali Coffee Club provides one-stop service from site selection, evaluation, decoration, equipment, materials, personnel training, marketing publicity, systematic management, etc. It saves a lot of trouble for franchisees, and enhances confidence in success and improves efficiency. Italian Ministry of Commerce statistics in 2004: franchise chain operations completed by the commercial transactions have exceeded its retail market total of 2.5 times. in 2004

Bali Coffee Club provides one-stop services from location selection, evaluation, decoration, equipment, materials, personnel training, marketing, systematic management and so on. It not only saves a lot of trouble for franchisees, but also enhances the confidence of success and improves the efficiency. According to the statistics of the Italian Ministry of Commerce in 2004, the commercial transaction volume of joining the chain operation has exceeded the total value of its retail market by 2.5 times. In 2004, the operating income of Chinese chain stores exceeded 800 billion yuan. Coffee business opportunities are emerging in China, and coffee wealth is accumulating rapidly in China. Investing in coffee shops with strong brand advantages is a shortcut. At present, Bali Coffee provides such an opportunity. Investing in Bali Coffee can make it easy for you to own a famous coffee brand, achieve a brilliant life and realize your dream of wealth. According to a survey conducted by national authorities, the coffee industry is growing at a rate of 25%, and coffee shops are becoming the bright spot of urban civilization progress and economic growth. At present, the average consumption of coffee in Chinese cities is 4 cups per person per year, and only 20 cups per person per year, even in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. In Japan and Britain, each person drinks an average of one cup of coffee a day. Japan and Britain are both world-famous tea culture countries, which have developed into a huge coffee market. China, with a strong tea culture, has a broad potential for coffee consumption and is bound to become one of the largest coffee markets in the world. The Chinese market has shown signs of developing along this trend, so China will become an important coffee consumption market in the world. Choose to join the brand coffee shop, the current market prospect is broad and the success rate is high. According to industry statistics, for coffee shops, the probability of individual success in opening an independent shop is only 25%, 55%, while joining the chain system of well-known brands can be as high as 85%. There is no doubt that joining a brand store has a higher safety factor.

Bali Coffee is a tone, a harmony and a song. She is the beat of the waves on the coast of Kuta, the beat of Mozart drums and the chirping of aristocratic people in the cafe.

Bali is one of the most beautiful and distinctive tourist attractions in the world, with its unique natural scenery, ancient civilization and unique local folk art, beautiful beaches, exquisite handicrafts, graceful music and dance, it's almost a Shangri-La on earth.

The most famous golden coffee in Bali grows at an altitude of 1500 meters, and enjoys the influence of golden coffee culture in Bali. While tasting the bitter, sweet, fragrant but not sour coffee characteristics of golden coffee, the wonderful tropical island style has been calling for your next encounter with Ambassador Ali. The mission of this trip is to use circuitous coffee diplomacy to disintegrate the French dynasty that is preparing to move eastward. Luxurious and tasteful ornaments, wonderful music, well-cooked food. The social gathering held by Ambassador Ali immediately became a popular place in Paris. Everything there is so admirable and intoxicated. What is even more wonderful is a "fantasy drink" introduced by the ambassador. The silk cloth, made in Damascus, was made in Damascus. The exquisite porcelain cup on the silver tray came from as far away as China. The Nubian Negro, dressed in bright Turkish clothes, was handsome, obedient and considerate. He knelt down and poured steaming, fragrant black soup into the guest's porcelain cup. This scene is a wonderful experience that the ladies have never experienced before.

The coffee party completely conquered the Paris aristocracy, and Ambassador Ali won the heart of the princess. Soon there was good news from Versailles that the Kingdom of France and Sumatra formed a friendly alliance.

In 1866, Ambassador Ali opened the first coffee shop in Paris, France, under the name of his hometown "Bali Coffee BLD Coffee". Until today, the "Bali Coffee" near the place Bastille in Paris is still permeated with a strong aristocratic culture. The strong cultural atmosphere here is like the fragrant fog drifting out of the coffee cup, which can be smelled and within reach, and the fashion formed by the party has not only affected Paris for nearly a century, but also promoted the spread of coffee culture to the world.

Bali coffee, known as "aristocratic coffee", is the most classic of French coffee culture. It is very popular both in France and in Europe and around the world. In particular, it is permeated with a strong aristocratic culture, and it is a favorite of coffee lovers.

The French court is the center of French political and cultural life, and the salon of upper-class society has been leading the mass culture and life style of France. The relaxed, elegant, romantic and colorful way of life of the royal aristocracy has affected the interest of the public. Cafes inherit some of the communicative functions of aristocratic salons in the social life of common people, especially intellectuals.