Coffee review

Taste of Guatemalan Coffee with Sweet and sour Fruit characteristics of Fine Coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, United Fruit has its largest estate in Guatemala, and it also owns the Central American International Railway and Guatemala's only seaport. Driven by the United Fruit Company, the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs began a propaganda war against Guatemala to crack down on the Arbens regime in the name of anti-communism. The CIA, in cooperation with the opposition among Guatemalan soldiers, began a program called

United Fruit has its largest estate in Guatemala, and it also owns medium

Inter-American Railway and the only seaport in Guatemala. Driven by the United Fruit Company, the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs began a propaganda war against Guatemala to crack down on the Arbens regime in the name of anti-communism. The Central Intelligence Agency, in cooperation with the opposition among Guatemalan soldiers, launched an operation called Operation PBSUCCESS. [7]

In 1954, Arbens was overthrown and Castillo Armas became the new dictator. The new government immediately invalidated all reforms. Enter the period of transition between the right-wing military government and the literati government. [1]

In 1957, Armas was assassinated and his heir was a soldier who was already known for his bloodshed in the dictatorship of the 1940s. [7]

In 1960, leftist military groups appeared in Guatemala. [1]

In 1982, the leftist guerrillas across the country merged to form the "National Revolutionary Alliance of Guatemala" and armed struggle spread throughout the country. Farmers dissatisfied with the overthrow of the Arbens regime organized a guerrilla group in which more than 100,000 people were killed and millions displaced. In September 1982, the persecution of the local Mayans by the Guatemalan army was close to genocide, and more than 9000 Mayans were killed. Since 1983, persecution on the part of the Government of Guatemala began to decrease and the country began to democratize again. However, the disparity between the rich and the poor has not been solved, and only a small number of people who account for 1% own more than 60% of the arable land and wealth. In 1985, Guatemala reorganized the general election. [7]

In December 1996, the government of Arzu (National Vanguard Party) and the National Revolutionary Union of Guatemala reached a final peace agreement, which officially ended 36 years of civil strife in Guatemala. [1]

In 1996, the 36-year guerrilla war ended by signing a peace treaty. [7]

In the general election in Guatemala on November 9, 2003, Oscar Berhe, the candidate of the National Grand League, was elected president, and the National Grand League is the most powerful party in Congress. The participation rate is 54.5%. [7]

On September 9, 2007, presidential and congressional elections. Otto Perez Molina and Alvaro Colom entered the second round of voting in the presidential election. At 10:00 that evening (local time), the Central Election Commission announced that Colom had won by 5.4%, becoming Guatemala's first left-wing president in 53 years.

On November 6, 2011, in the second round of voting in the general election in Guatemala, Otto Perez Molina, on behalf of the Patriotic Party, defeated LIDER member Manuel Valdison with 54.48% of the vote, becoming the 48th president of Guatemala known for producing high-quality beans in the highest altitude and dry climate of the country's coffee-growing regions. Located in a rare non-volcanic area in China and the United States, the mountains are potholed and the terrain is very dangerous. Although nearly 2000 meters above sea level, the warm, dry air from the plains of Mexico protects coffee trees in the area from frost.

Guatemala Antigua Coffee is not only smooth, high hardness, good quality, more full-bodied and sour and sweet perfect match, coupled with a trace of smoke, but also emphasizes its deep and mysterious. In particular, the sour, sweet and mellow texture of Antigua is so perfectly coordinated that it is not only of good quality, but also of stronger flavor, richer taste and heavier tobacco flavor than other coffee in Guatemala, which does not pass this classification standard, and does not mention the name of the region of production, but only SHB. This bean belongs to bourbon coffee beans, is one of the varieties with strong sour taste, mellow taste and slightly wild. Guatemala's extremely hard beans are famous for their elegant, sour, clean, well-structured, as well as sour apples, berries, jasmine, orange peel, green pepper, sweet and sour fruit, sweet chocolate, and even smoky aftertaste. Excellent sour taste, mellow aftertaste, mysterious feeling. Suitable for hangover release Guatemala is very suitable for growing coffee. The annual precipitation is also very abundant. The alpine areas above 1400 meters above sea level and the climate of Guatemala, where the humidity ratio is 60-70%, have created a natural environment for the cultivation of high-quality coffee. The highest grade of Guatemalan coffee is SHB (Strictly Hard bean: hard coffee beans grown in alpine areas). Coffee branded according to the region is also very famous. Antigua and Koban in Guatemala are good examples. Regional brands (Antigua, Koban, etc.) are classified through rigorous quality and aroma tests by the Guatemalan Coffee Association.