Coffee review

Introduction to the flavor and taste characteristics of El Salvador Himalayan coffee manor with excellent taste balance

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, El Salvador was originally inhabited by the Mayan Indians. Scenery of the Republic of El Salvador (11 pictures) was colonized by Spain in 1524. Independence was declared on September 15, 1821 and later became part of the Mexican Empire. In 1823 the empire collapsed and El Salvador joined the Union of Central America. The Communist Party of China was declared on February 18, 1841 after the disintegration of the Union in 1838.

El Salvador was originally inhabited by the Mayan Indians.

Scenery of the Republic of El Salvador

Scenery of the Republic of El Salvador (11)

It was colonized by Spain in 1524.

Independence was declared on September 15, 1821 and later became part of the Mexican Empire.

In 1823 the empire collapsed and El Salvador joined the Union of Central America.

The Republic was proclaimed on February 18, 1841 after the disintegration of the Union in 1838.

Since the 1930s, soldiers have launched coups many times, and the political situation has been in turmoil for a long time.

Martinez became vice president and defense minister in 1931, during the Great Depression, political corruption and the rapid expansion of the influence of the Communist Party of El Salvador. Arturo Araujo was forced to step down and nominated Martinez as the next president.

In January 1932, local elections began, and a large number of Communist Party candidates were elected, but they were not recognized by the government; the Communist Party of El Salvador decided to launch an uprising on the 22nd, but Martinez discovered it and immediately ordered the arrest of Communist Party leader Farah Bendo Marty. The leaderless farmers, armed with machetes, launched the uprising as scheduled, but failed under the crackdown by government forces, which immediately retaliated and slaughtered more than 30,000 rebellious farmers.

For 13 years after 1932, El Salvador was ruled by Martinez.

On May 19, 1934, El Salvador announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with Manchukuo, becoming the second country after Japan to recognize the regime.

After the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, El Salvador joined the anti-axis camp of Britain, the United States and other countries.

In April 1944, intellectuals and students launched a general strike because of economic paralysis.

In May 1945, Martinez stepped down, went into exile in Guatemala and then went to live in Honduras.

When the reformist revolutionary junta came to power in 1979, both the far right and the far left were dissatisfied with the government, and the conflict broke out and turned into a civil war.

In 1980, a formal civil war broke out in El Salvador, confronting the United States-backed government and the Cuban-backed Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front.

On January 16, 1992, the Marty Front signed a "peace agreement" with the government, ending the 12-year civil war in El Salvador.

In March 2014, the second round of voting in the presidential election was held in El Salvador. Vice President El Sanchez Salem, candidate of the ruling Marty Front, won with 50.11% of the vote and was sworn in on June 1. For a term of five years, don't underestimate El Salvador's coffee production. In its heyday, it was once the fourth largest coffee producer in the world, but decades of civil war almost dragged down the coffee industry. fortunately, the war has stopped in recent years, and the coffee industry has come back to life. The only benefit that the civil war brought to the Salvadoran country was that the farmers' fields were barren and failed to catch up with the most popular Katimo exposure train in the past two decades, thus preserving the ancient varieties of bourbon and Tibica, that is to say, El Salvador still uses the most traditional shading method to plant coffee, which is positive for coffee flavor. In 2005, the Salvadoran mixed-race variety Pacamara boasted in coe, which confused many international cup testers and did not know how to score it. They never expected that this hybrid bean not only broke the mellow boundary of coffee, but also expanded the visibility of Salvadoran coffee. El Salvador boutique coffee is concentrated in the volcanic areas of Santa Ana in the west and Charantan fruit in the northwest. In recent years, the top 10 cup tests are almost entirely from these two producing areas, with an altitude of about 9-1500 meters above sea level, mainly bourbon (68%), followed by Pacas (29%). Mixed-race Pakamara, Durai and Kaddura accounted for only 3% of the coffee harvest season from November to March of the following year. The fresh fruit of coffee is picked by hand. Coffee in El Salvador is grown mostly by small farmers, who grow it in the traditional way: almost 100% shade. The coffee harvest lasts from November to March. In general, Salvadoran coffee inherits the mild quality of Sino-American coffee, with soft, slightly sour and beautiful sweetness. At the same time, it also has its own characteristics: the aromatic taste is slightly sour and very soft; it is pure and has no miscellaneous flavor, and the taste balance is excellent; the smooth feeling like cream chocolate is impressive; the dense feeling of coffee in the mouth gives the coffee a deep taste and a long finish.