Coffee review

Dominica Santo Domingo Coffee with a faint fragrance; an introduction to the characteristics of the manor area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In 1700, the Bourbon dynasty replaced the Habsburg dynasty in Spain. The new dynasty introduced some economic reforms. Trade in Santo Domingo began to flourish. [3] French rule (1795-1809) in 1795, France and Spain signed the Basel Peace Treaty in Switzerland, agreeing to cede the Santo Domingo area in the eastern island of Dominica to France.

In Spain, the Bourbons replaced the Habsburgs in 1700. The new dynasty introduced a number of economic reforms. Trade in Santo Domingo began to flourish. [3]

French rule (1795-1809)

In 1795 France and Spain signed the Treaty of Basel in Switzerland, agreeing to bring Spain



The area of Santo Domingo in the eastern part of the island was ceded to France, making the Spanish island a complete French colony. Six years later, Toussaint Louverture, a black Haiti, led a group of other black slaves to rebel against French rule, and in 1801 seized Santo Domingo, which had just been ruled by France, thus unifying the whole island of Spain. [3]

In 1801 Jean L'Oreal arrived in Santo Domingo. He represented the French government in abolishing slavery. In 1802 Napoleon sent troops to conquer the island and ruled for several months. In October 1802, mixed races and blacks revolted against French rule and defeated the French in 1803. On January 1, 1804, the rebels declared Santo Domingo independent and established the Republic of Haiti. However, the defeated French still occupied the eastern part of Santo Domingo. When the French invaded Spain in 1808, the rebels in the eastern part of the island, aided by Britain and Haiti, which were allied with Spain at the time, finally repelled the French forces and made the Santo Domingo area a Spanish colony again. [3]

Occupation of Haiti (1821-1844)

After Santo Domingo returned to Spanish rule, the local people gradually formed a consensus for an independent state. On November 30, 1821, the former Governor of Santo Domingo, General José Núñez de Cáceres, proclaimed a state, named Spain Haiti, and expected to be united under the Grand State of Colombia under the Bolivarian President of South America. [3]

But nine weeks later, in February 1822, Jean-Pierre Boyer, president of Haiti, led his army to occupy Spain's Haiti and reunite the island. After Boyer occupied the Spanish state of Haiti in the east and liberated all slaves there, Boyer ordered the confiscation of white landowners 'land and the return of all agricultural land to the public. Boyer also closed all universities, incorporated all multinational men aged 18-25 into the army, and began a repressive policy against many people, with many upper-class whites leaving the island for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere. [3]

Boyer began planting cash crops on the island, reforming taxes and opening it to foreign trade. Although these policies have led to significant increases in Dominican sugar cane and coffee production, they have not been widely accepted by farmers. Boyer regarded the liberation of many countries as a favor he had given many people, so Dominicans in the army were often not paid any salary, and many soldiers began to rob the local population everywhere. This vicious circle eventually led to economic stagnation and increased taxation, leading many peoples, even freed slaves, to unite in rebellion against Boyer's rule and overthrow it in 1843.

Unlike coffee grown in Haiti, coffee grown in the Dominican Republic is mostly washed, a sign of high quality. Miniga Coffee uses water washing to treat coffee beans, so that the quality of treated coffee beans is more guaranteed. Coffee beans treated with water washing method retain more original flavor than drying method, and the aroma is pure and soft.

This method of carefully selected, high-quality Dominican coffee, exudes a light aroma, drinking people can feel a faint fruity taste, lingering aftertaste, smooth and smooth In the early 18th century, coffee from Martinique to Domiga, represented by the northern region of Ciba and the southern region including Ocayabani Santo Domingo, producing fine coffee. Among them, Santo Domingo and Bani produced coffee, almost synonymous with Domica coffee, is world-famous quality coffee. Santo Domingo coffee, characterized by fresh and elegant, full particles, excellent acidity, pleasant aroma, so value for money. Dominican coffee selection is generally done manually. The main basis for selection is according to the fullness of coffee particles, whether uniform, and then divided into grades. Generally speaking, coffee with full and uniform particles is easier to preserve. Only the purest and most uniform coffee beans can be roasted to represent the best coffee in the country.