Coffee review

Strong sweetness of Panamanian Rosa Coffee Flavor and Taste introduction to boutique coffee beans in manor area

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Over the past century and a half, a number of foreign companies have signed contracts with the Nicaraguan government and planned the route of the canal, but these plans have come to nothing. Will Wang Jing be the exception? Due to the rapid progress of the project and the huge consumption of funds, many people even doubt whether the project will start or even end badly. But according to CNN, Chinese engineers have arrived in Nicaragua.

Over the past century and a half, a number of foreign companies have signed contracts with the Nicaraguan government and planned the route of the canal, but these plans have come to nothing. Will Wang Jing be the exception?

Due to the rapid progress of the project and the huge consumption of funds, many people even doubt whether the project will start or even end badly. But according to CNN, Chinese engineers have arrived in Nicaragua to prepare for the construction of the canal. For now, it is guaranteed that construction will begin at least on December 22nd.

As for whether it will come to a bad end, Hong Yuan, an expert on military strategy at the American Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told Sina that material problems such as technology and funds are "not a problem." "China is very good at engineering."

He said that China has also had the experience of operating large-scale projects many times in the past. "when the Chengdu-Kunming Railway was built, it could be built 100 kilometers a day." The completion of the project ultimately depends on the attitude and actions of the United States, as well as the political situation in Nicaragua and even Latin America.

Unavoidable political risks

Lake Nicaragua

Under the influence of Monroe Doctrine, the United States has always had a strong desire to control the affairs of Latin America. Today, it is outrageous for a Chinese company to build a canal in its "backyard" and compete with the Panama Canal in its sphere of influence.

The United States will certainly adopt a negative attitude towards such emergencies that are not part of the US plan, or even take various means to obstruct it, Hong Yuan said.

In addition, the Central American region has a large number of small countries, an unstable political environment, great pressure from big countries, and frequent changes in domestic and foreign affairs. Investment in large-scale projects in these countries is vulnerable to external factors such as war, which need to be taken into account.

The project also needs to face local resistance from Nicaragua.

Although the Nicaraguan government is satisfied with the signing of the contract, it says the project will create tens of thousands of jobs in the country and increase the country's current $10 billion economy by 15 per cent a year. But the reaction of the locals is much calmer.

According to CNN, environmentalists have held more than a dozen protests. As the canal passes through Lake Nicaragua, Latin America's largest freshwater resource, environmentalists worry about further damage to the ecological environment of the heavily polluted "Mother Lake". Thirty thousand people will be forced to leave their homes because of the construction of the canal. Due to the large number of active volcanoes and active crustal movement in Nicaragua, many people are also worried that the excavation of the canal will lead to volcanic eruptions. A hundred years ago, it was for this reason that Americans finally chose to build a canal in Panama.

In the face of "kicking the pavilion", we should adapt.

panama canal

At present, the United States controls the world's major shipping nodes, namely the Panama Canal and Suez Canal, as well as ocean routes through places such as Singapore and Gibraltar. Therefore, the emergence of alternative waterways is considered a direct challenge to the United States.

The alternative route, the Nicaraguan Canal, is only 400 kilometers from its rival Panama Canal. To build a new canal so close, are you here to make money or kick the hall?

"the Panama Canal is under the de facto control of the United States and will be affected by war and domestic politics. As the only transcontinental canal in Central America, it is not safe." Hong Yuan believes that the excavation of the Nicaraguan Canal will enable two-lane shipping in the region, speed up the flow of logistics and manpower, shorten waterways, reduce shipping costs, and play a balancing role.

As a maritime hegemony, the United States has been trying to encircle a land power like China. "but we will also carry out anti-encirclement," Hongyuan said.

China is developing into a blue-water navy, eventually joining the global naval array and participating in the affairs of various oceans.

China's provision of infrastructure in various parts of Central America is "conducive to the neutralization of maritime exchanges between China and the United States." Will gradually put us in a reciprocal position. "

Hong Yuan believes that the management rights brought about by infrastructure construction will mainly put psychological pressure on other big countries. "they need to adapt to the fact that Chinese faces appear in various strategic locations in the world." But at the same time, the construction of such ports and canals is not "dismantling Taiwan". The two sides should "discuss and cooperate with each other."

According to CNN, China is gradually crowding out the United States to become the main trading partner of the Latin American region. For major Latin American economies such as Chile and Brazil, China has become the number one trading partner. And this kind of economic connection is also turning into political connection.

Dabajiyang, a Russian geopolitical expert, believes that the Nicaraguan Canal will become one of the busiest transport routes in the Western Hemisphere, and Americans will lose much of the local control they have gained through the Panama Canal for nearly a century. In the face of this situation, the United States feels that "great pressure" is not incomprehensible.

Roasted cooked beans look like some "folds", such as "sexy folds".

The purpose of the beans is to highlight their original flavor and sour fruit, but if the quality of the raw beans is not high, there will be some miscellaneous flavors, such as rotten soil, grass and dry taste, which should be avoided by the bakers. the baked rose has charming lemon and citrus aromas and super sweet honey cream flavor. 2. floral fragrance, tropical fruit, strong sweetness; these are the feelings that Rose Summer has always brought to us. Properly baked, they make you feel like sipping the fragrance of a bouquet of flowers. You may not know the story of Rosa, an ancient native species from Ethiopia that was brought as a coffee sample to a coffee experimental garden in Costa Rica and distributed to several small farms for small-scale trials. Not many people paid attention to Rose Summer until one day. Esmeralda Manor in Panama separated it from other varieties and won the national coffee competition. She is so extraordinary that the fruity and floral elements are like Yega Xuefei from Africa and Ethiopia on the other side of the world. Of course, these are all old news now. Some small farms also get summer roses and are eager to grow their own roses. However, the results are different: depending on the weather, soil and altitude, this "star" variety seems to have different tastes in different geographical locations. However, in the Aktenango region, we see typical rosy summer features: the slender shape of beans, the changes during baking, and the elegant and uncooked flavor in the cup. The dry aroma of Rosa is very bright, with aromas of rose and jasmine, with aromas of pomelo and citrus, light baked with nutty aromas, and wet aromas with hazelnut and more floral characters. In terms of taste and flavor, the early aroma may be slightly mild and subtle compared with the previous rising aroma.

With a little cooling, the flower and fruit flavor gradually increases as the temperature drops, and the cold aroma is excellent (sweet preserved fruit, rose fruit, orange glaze jam, strawberry jam, pine wood, cherry, vanilla, rose flavor fades away. Lemon aromas can be derived). This is a coffee that can be praised by a large number of adjectives, the sweetness of the silk, which is testing the brightness of this coffee, especially in the case of shallow roasting.