Coffee review

Do you know how bad instant coffee is?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Right! Before the third year of high school, I used to buy a cup of instant coffee in a box. In order to refresh myself, in order to finish my homework, in order to be admitted to a first-class university (don't laugh), I can't do without coffee every day. But I believe that most people, like me, are young and ignorant, and drink hardcover version of instant coffee (no matter what version, it is instant coffee.

Right! Before the third year of high school, I used to buy a cup of instant coffee in a box.

In order to refresh myself, in order to finish my homework, in order to be admitted to a first-class university (don't laugh), I can't do without coffee every day. But I believe that most people, like me, are young and ignorant, drink hardcover instant coffee (no matter what version, it is instant coffee), and know very little about freshly brewed coffee. Today, I will briefly talk about the difference between freshly ground coffee and instant coffee.

The real rise of instant coffee was after World War II, dating back to Nestl é (yes, my hardcover version) that really started instant global commercial production. Originally to solve the problem of overconsumption in Brazil, instant coffee beans began to be produced. Later, dealers gradually produced a kind of beautiful drink called "a drink that only needs to be mixed with water while keeping the original coffee", and I burst into tears when the service was perfect.

Instant coffee is like instant noodles, what people want is convenient and fast, and its nutrition is far from that of freshly ground coffee. Robusta is usually used to make instant coffee, which is very different from Arabica coffee beans. In addition, raw beans, such as broken beans, bad beans, and maldeveloped varieties, are often roasted and ground without screening. Because most of the aromatic essence is to be lost, no matter how good beans are not very meaningful. In the process of instant synthesis, the original nutritional and health ingredients of coffee are destroyed.

The content of acrylamide, a carcinogen, in instant coffee is much higher than that in freshly ground coffee.

According to the sampling data of the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, the acrylamide content of instant powder is 58ppb, and that of ground coffee is about 10ppb. The high temperature treatment of instant coffee increased the content of acrylamide.

In order to keep it for a long time, workers will add preservatives in the process of cooking and atomization, and because the fragrance is almost gone, additives such as cream and essence will also be added. In addition, instant coffee contains preservative, pigment, saccharin and other additives, which can not be digested and absorbed in the human body, causing harm to the central nervous system of the human body and accelerating the aging of human cells.

In addition, instant coffee contains trans fatty acids, which can cause cancer when drunk regularly. In terms of taste, to be honest, each kind of instant drink is about the same, the same aroma, the same three-in-one flavor, the "four flavors and one flavor" of coffee is almost difficult to reflect.