Coffee review

Unique milky sweet rose coffee boutique coffee bean flavor taste introduction to the characteristics of the manor producing area

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The land of the District of Columbia [2] originally came from Maryland and Virginia. When the District of Columbia was founded, the north bank of the Potomac River included Georgetown (Georgetown,D.C.), Washington City (Washington City,D.C.) and Washington County (Washington County,D.C.). In 1878, the three places merged into Washington, D.C., and the city of Washington.

The land of the District of Columbia [2] originally came from Maryland and Virginia. When the District of Columbia was founded, the north bank of the Potomac River included Georgetown (Georgetown,D.C.), Washington City (Washington City,D.C.) and Washington County (Washington County,D.C.). In 1878, the three places merged into "Washington," and the District of Columbia and Washington became the same piece of land with dual political significance managed by the same government agency. The comma in its English name indicates its double meaning. When the District of Columbia was founded, the south bank of the Potomac River included Alexandria County, written in Alexandria County (Alexandria County,D.C.), but local residents had always opposed secession from Virginia, and after many petitions by local residents, the United States Congress passed a bill on July 9, 1846 and approved by the Virginia people's Congress to return the land on the south bank of the Potomac River to Virginia from 1847.

"Columbia" is the old American poetry name, MT. "District of Columbia" means "American district". The word "special" is usually added to Chinese translation to indicate its special status. After the founding of the United States, there was a dispute over the location of the capital. The North wants to locate its capital in New York. And the south wants the capital to be located in the south. In the end, both the North and the South of the United States

Washington, D.C. Flag

Washington, D.C. Flag

Give in and build a new city as the capital of the United States in the south not far from the north. The location is located by Madison (James Madison,1751-1836, the fourth President of the United States) and Alexander Hamilton (Alexander Hamilton, January 11, 1757-July 12, 1804, one of the drafters of the Constitution, was the first Treasury Secretary of the United States) in Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743, ─ was the third President of the United States on July 4, 1826). It was also discussed at a dinner invited by the main drafter of the American Declaration of Independence. At that time, the "federal" city was planned as a diamond area covering an area of 100 square miles. Its actual location on the Potomac River is determined by President Washington, who himself suggested that the capital of the United States be called a "federal city." But on September 9, 1791, the capital of the United States was named Washington. Although Washington himself lives in Mount Vernon not far from Washington, he rarely visits Washington.

Rosa coffee raw beans have a very beautiful blue-green, jade-like warm texture, smell fresh grass, peach, berry flavor and oolong tea unique milk sweetness that most coffee beans do not have. it seems that aroma and taste of this kind of things need to be associated, but the faint smell of tea is obvious to us [1].

In order to highlight the characteristics and aroma of this bean, the baking degree is on the verge of two explosions, and two explosions and one sound are more commonly used baking degrees, which can give play to the characteristics of the beans themselves. If they are too shallow, they will produce miscellaneous smells, and if they are too deep, they will lose the aroma of flowers and fruit acid. of course, this should be adjusted according to the characteristics of coffee beans and the roaster's understanding of the beans themselves.

Rosary coffee ripe beans

Rosary coffee ripe beans

Baked ripe beans look like some "wrinkles". Beans with "sexy folds" are all designed to highlight their original flavor and acidity, but if the quality of raw beans is not high, they will produce some miscellaneous flavors, such as rotten soil, grass and dry taste, which bakers should try to avoid. Baked rose summer has charming lemon and citrus aromas and super sweet honey cream flavor.

Flavor editor

The fragrance of flowers, tropical fruits, strong sweetness; these are the feelings that Rose Summer has always given us. Properly baked, they make you feel like sipping the fragrance of a bouquet of flowers. You may not know the story of Rosa, an ancient native species from Ethiopia that was brought as a coffee sample to a coffee experimental garden in Costa Rica and distributed to several small farms for small-scale trials.

Not many people followed Rose Summer until one day, Esmeralda Manor in Panama separated it from other varieties and won the national coffee competition.

She is so extraordinary that the fruity and floral elements are like Yega Xuefei from Africa and Ethiopia on the other side of the world. Of course, these are all old news now. Some small farms also get summer roses and are eager to grow their own roses.