Coffee review

Introduction to the characteristics of high-quality coffee Rwanda coffee flavor and taste manor area

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The Tutsi established a feudal kingdom in Rwanda in the 16th century. Since the middle of the 19th century, British, German and Belgian forces invaded one after another. It was reduced to a German preserve in East Africa in 1890. It was occupied by Belgium in 1916. In 1922, according to the Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations entrusted Lu to Belgian rule and became part of the country belonging to Luanda-Ulondi. It became a United Nations trustee in 1946. Still ruled by Belgium.

The Tutsi established a feudal kingdom in Rwanda in the 16th century. Since the middle of the 19th century, British, German and Belgian forces invaded one after another. It became a protected area of "German East Africa" in 1890. It was occupied by Belgium in 1916. In 1922, according to the Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations "entrusted" Lew to Belgian rule and became part of Luanda-Ulondi. It became a United Nations trustee in 1946. Is still ruled by Belgium. In 1960, Belgium agreed to Lu's "autonomy". Independence was declared on July 1, 1962, and the country was named the Republic of Rwanda. After independence, Tutsi and Hutu clashed many times, and the war continued. In June 1991, Lu implemented a multi-party system.

Politics: Rwanda implements the presidential system, with the separation of legislative, judicial and executive powers. The President is the head of State, the head of Government (Chairman of the Council of Ministers) and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, who holds the executive power of the State.

Diplomacy: pursues a policy of peace, neutrality and non-alignment, emphasizes good-neighborliness and friendship, maintains African unity, and is a member of the OAU, the Economic Community of Central African States, the Economic Community of the Great Lakes countries and the African Development Bank.

Relations with China: on November 12, 1971, Rwanda established diplomatic relations with China. Rwanda is a small African country, and the local people are relatively poor, but it produces straight and very good coffee, which is different from its neighbors Kenya and Ethiopia. Rwanda's coffee is mainly round bourbon, which is not as distinctive as Ethiopia and Kenya. But with excellent evenness, Rwanda coffee is absolutely high quality in the form of washed Arabica beans. As far as Africa is concerned, its coffee industry is remarkable because the country thrives mainly by producing the best possible coffee beans. Rwandan coffee is becoming more and more popular in the international market. The mission of the Rwanda Coffee Association is to manage and supervise the operation of the coffee industry in Rwanda from production to sale. The recently revised mission focuses on policy formulation and implementation, with more emphasis on the need to improve the professionalism of the coffee industry and to increase marketing efforts. Since its establishment, the Rwanda Coffee Association has promoted the Rwandan coffee culture and promoted the influence of Rwandan coffee. Rwanda has about 33000 hectares of coffee plantations and 500000 people are engaged in the coffee industry. With the good natural conditions of high altitude and fertile volcanic soil, the country's fertile soil and suitable climate contribute to plant growth, and coffee trees seem to be driven or forced to grow upward, or because they grow too fast to produce the best coffee beans. The beautiful country of thousands of hills Rwanda has a long and rich culture for growing highland coffee, mainly high-quality Arabica coffee. Rwanda is the only country in the world that can fully enjoy the harmony between soil, altitude and climate. In this unique growing environment, high-quality coffee from Rwanda has a distinctive taste and aroma. Bourbon coffee, grown in Rwanda, is one of the original varieties of Arabica coffee. The first problem for Malaba coffee farmers is to set up a cleaning station. The coffee fruit must be transported to the cleaning station to wash the sugar under the skin of the coffee bean within 12 hours after picking, otherwise the flavor of the coffee will be greatly damaged. In July 2001, with funding from UNR, the Ministry of Culture and Industry of Rwanda (Office des Cultures Industrielles du Rwanda,OCIR-Caf é), ACDI/VOCA and ISAR, they set up the first cleaning station near the main road in the Cyarumbo district. However, the cleaning station was not opened until the harvest time, so only 200 kilograms (441 pounds) of the harvest were washed that year. However, the result was surprisingly good. In 2002, the cleaning station was upgraded to supply more coffee processing. ACDI/VOCA is responsible for funding the construction of pipelines to bring in Mount Huye mineral water and help improve the efficiency of cleaning stations. The pipeline was opened in March 2002