Coffee review

Introduction to the characteristics of the manor producing area of fragrant and pure Salvadoran coffee boutique coffee bean flavor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, For 13 years after 1932, El Salvador was ruled by Martinez. On May 19, 1934, El Salvador announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with Manchukuo, becoming the second country after Japan to recognize the regime. After the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, El Salvador joined the anti-axis camp of Britain, the United States and other countries. In April 1944, due to economic paralysis, intellectuals and scholars

For 13 years after 1932, El Salvador was ruled by Martinez.

On May 19, 1934, El Salvador announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with Manchukuo, becoming the second country after Japan to recognize the regime.

After the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, El Salvador joined the anti-axis camp of Britain, the United States and other countries.

In April 1944, intellectuals and students launched a general strike because of economic paralysis.

In May 1945, Martinez stepped down, went into exile in Guatemala and then went to live in Honduras.

When the reformist revolutionary junta came to power in 1979, both the far right and the far left were dissatisfied with the government, and the conflict broke out and turned into a civil war.

In 1980, a formal civil war broke out in El Salvador, confronting the United States-backed government and the Cuban-backed Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front.

On January 16, 1992, the Marty Front signed a "peace agreement" with the government, ending the 12-year civil war in El Salvador.

In March 2014, the second round of voting in the presidential election was held in El Salvador. Vice President El Sanchez Salem, candidate of the ruling Marty Front, won with 50.11% of the vote and was sworn in on June 1. The five-year term of office of the National Assembly of El Salvador is unicameral, with a total of 84 members, 64 of whom are based on the population of each province.

Proportional distribution, the remaining 20 regardless of provincial origin, according to the number of votes to determine the term of office of 3 years, can be re-elected. The latest parliament was established in May 2015 and its term of office lasts until April 2018, including 35 seats for the nationalist Republican Union, 31 seats for the Marty Front, 11 seats for the Grand Alliance of National Unity, 4 seats for the National Reconciliation Party and 3 seats for other parties. The Speaker is LorenaPe ñ a (Lorena Pena) of the Marty Front, who will serve until 7 November 2016, followed by Guillermo Gallegos, a member of the Grand Union of National Unity, who will replace the Speaker until April 2018.

The latest government of El Salvador was formed in June 2014. The main cabinet members are Vice President Oscar Ortiz (Oscar Ortiz), Foreign Minister Hugo Roger Mart í nez Bonillia, Finance Minister Carlos C á ceres, economy Minister Tharsis Salom ó n L ó pez, Defense Minister David Mungui í a Pay é s. Sandra Eddiwell Guevara Perez, Minister of Labour and Social Security (female, Sandra Edibel Guevara P é rez), Minister of Agriculture Orestes Autes (Orestes Ortez), Minister of Public Health Violeta Menshiwar (female, Violeta Menj í var), Minister of Public works, Transport, Housing and Urban Development Gerson Mart í nez, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Lina Lina Pohl Tourism Minister Jose Napole ó n Duarte

Don't underestimate El Salvador's coffee production. In its heyday, it was once the fourth largest coffee producer in the world, but decades of civil war almost dragged down the coffee industry. fortunately, the war has stopped in recent years, and the coffee industry has come back to life. The only benefit that the civil war brought to the Salvadoran country was that the farmers' fields were barren and failed to catch up with the most popular Katimo exposure train in the past two decades, thus preserving the ancient varieties of bourbon and Tibica, that is to say, El Salvador still uses the most traditional shade planting, which is of positive significance to the aroma of coffee. In 2005, the Salvadoran mixed-race Pacamara boasted in coe, which confused many international cup testers and did not know how to grade it. It never expected that this hybrid bean not only broke the mellow boundary of coffee, but also expanded the visibility of Salvadoran coffee. El Salvador coffee characteristics:

Coffee from El Salvador is a specialty of Central America, where it is light, fragrant, pure and slightly sour.

Flavor: balanced taste and good texture

Recommended baking method: moderate to deep, with a variety of uses

★: in general, like Guatemala and Costa Rica, El Salvador coffee is graded according to altitude. The higher the altitude, the better the coffee. The best brand is Pipil, which is what the Aztec-Mayan (Aztec-Mayan) called coffee, which has been recognized by the American Organic Certification Society (OrganicCertifiedlnstituteofAmerica). Another rare coffee is Pacamara, a hybrid of Pacas and Maragogype. The best place to produce the coffee is in western El Salvador, adjacent to SantaAna, which is close to the border with Guatemala. Parkmara coffee is full-grained, but not very fragrant