Coffee review

Bright flavor of Kenya Kam early valley coffee flavor taste estate production characteristics

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The coastal area is flat, and most of the rest is plateau with an average altitude of 1500 meters. The east branch of the Great Rift Valley cuts the plateau vertically from north to south, dividing the plateau into east and west parts. The valley floor of the Great Rift Valley is 450-1000 meters below the plateau and 50-100 kilometers wide. There are lakes of varying depths and many volcanoes. The northern part is desert and semi-desert zone, accounting for about 56% of the total area of the country. in

The coastal areas are plains, and most of the rest are plateaus with an average elevation of 1500 meters. Great Rift Valley

The east branch cuts the plateau north and south, dividing the highland into east and west parts. The bottom of the Great Rift Valley is 450 miles below the plateau and 100 kilometers wide, with lakes of varying depths and many volcanoes standing. The north is desert and semi-desert, accounting for about 56% of the country's total area. Mount Kenya in the central highlands is 5199 meters above sea level, the highest peak, the second highest in Africa, and the summit is covered with snow all the year round. Wagagai extinct volcano 4321 meters above sea level is located in the tropical monsoon area, most areas belong to the savanna climate, the coastal area is hot and humid, the plateau climate is mild. The rainy season is from March to June and from October to December, and the rest is dry season. The annual rainfall decreases from 1500 mm to 200mm from southwest to northeast. Nairobi, the capital, has a mild climate, with an average annual temperature of 17.7C and annual rainfall of 1049 mm. Kenya's mineral deposits are mainly soda ash, salt, fluorite, limestone, barite, gold, silver, copper, aluminum, zinc, niobium and thorium, except soda ash and fluorite. Most mineral deposits have not yet been developed. The main minerals are barite near Tamota in the southeast, niobium in the Mlima Mountains and gold from Kakamaga and Makajie in the southwest. Kyrgyzstan is one of the largest diatomite mines in the world. Lake Magadi is rich in natural alkali and salt. The Kenyan national emblem developed in 1963 centers on a shuttle-shaped shield emblem consistent with the national flag, with a golden lion on each side, a spear on one leg and a shield emblem on the other. The white rooster with an axe in the back is the emblem of the African National Union of Kenya. According to the local tradition, the rooster symbolizes the new life. The two lions embody national sovereignty and national dignity, as well as the ties between Kenya and Britain. Under the feet of the two lions is the Kenyan volcano, the second largest mountain in Africa. It treads on fertile land, covered with coffee, oranges, sisal tea, corn and pineapple, and is full of fruit and fragrance. This is a microcosm of the peaceful life of the Kenyan people and the prosperity of the country. The brown ribbon under the national emblem is marked with the word "coexistence" in Swahili, expressing the desire of the Kenyan people for peace, fraternity, freedom and equality.

The Kenyan government takes the coffee industry very seriously, where it is illegal to cut down or destroy coffee trees. Kenyan coffee buyers are world-class high-quality coffee buyers, and no other country can grow, produce and sell coffee on a continuous basis like Kenya. All coffee beans are first acquired by the Kenya Coffee Commission (CoffeeBoardofKenya, CBK), where they are identified, graded, and then sold at weekly auctions, where they are no longer graded. The Kenya Coffee Commission only acts as an agent to collect coffee samples and distribute them to buyers so that they can determine the price and quality. The auction in Nairobi is for private exporters, and the Kenya Coffee Commission pays growers a price below the market price. The best coffee grade is bean berry coffee (PB), followed by AA++, AA+, AA, AB and so on. The fine coffee is shiny, delicious and slightly alcoholic. The auction is also organized to meet the needs of the dispenser, fragrant, full-bodied, with fruit flavor, rich and perfect taste. Kenyan coffee has a wonderful fruit flavor, tastes like BlackBerry and grapefruit, and is a favorite of many coffee gluttons. This coffee has an excellent medium purity, crisp and refreshing taste. It has a fresh flavor and is most suitable for drinking iced coffee in summer. When tasting this coffee, if it is paired with sour fruits such as grapefruit, it will certainly give me the best coffee experience. "not much like coffee, but a bit like fruit tea" is that many people's common feeling about this shallow roasted Kenyan coffee should not underestimate Kenyan small farmers, who are no less ant soldiers, with an overall production capacity higher than that of large farms, which is about six to four. This is quite rare in bean-producing countries. Kenyan coffee is widely appreciated by connoisseurs, thanks in large part to small farmers guarding the foothills and producing high-quality coffee. In addition, Kenya beans must have a strict grading system. Coffee beans taken out by washing plants are divided into five grades according to size, shape and hardness, with the highest being PB, followed by AA++, AA+, AA and AB. This grading system is similar to Colombia, mainly in terms of particle size and shape, but selling well does not necessarily lead to good flavor. This is what coffee fans should know. The current international evaluation of Kenyan beans is not as good as in previous years. It is believed that this has something to do with today's abnormal climate, which is not conducive to the growth of coffee, but the matter is not so simple delicious coffee, in addition to pay attention to the appropriate temperature, but also have the right amount. Drinking coffee is not like drinking or juice, a full cup of coffee, watching it will lose interest in drinking. Generally speaking, it is only seven or eight minutes full for the right amount, moderate amount of coffee will not only stimulate the taste, after drinking it will not have a "greasy" feeling, but endless aftertaste. At the same time, the right amount of coffee can moderately promote the body to recover from fatigue and refresh the mind.

There are different flavors of coffee, so you can't drink three or four cups in a row like tea or cola, but the size of a formal coffee cup is just right. The average amount of coffee to drink is 80-100cc. Sometimes if you want to drink three or four cups in a row, you have to dilute the concentration of coffee or add a lot of milk, but you still have to take into account the degree of physical demand to add or decrease the concentration of coffee, that is, do not cause a feeling of greasy or nausea, and there may be more changes in the mix of sugar to make the coffee more delicious.