Coffee review

Introduction to the mild flavor of Costa Rican coffee and the characteristics of fine coffee in the manor area

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The seven provinces are: Alajuela Alajuela (central, northwest of San Jose), Catago Cartago (central, east of San Jose), Guanacaster Guanacaste (northwest), Eredia Heredia (central, north of San Jose), Limon Limn (east, along the Caribbean), Pentalenas Puntarenas (west, along the Pacific Ocean), San Jose San

The seven provinces are: Alajuela Alajuela (central, northwest of San Jose), Catago Cartago (central, east of San Jose), Guanacaster Guanacaste (northwest), Eredia Heredia (central, north of San Jose), Limon Lim ó n (east, along the Caribbean), Pentarenas Puntarenas (west, along the Pacific Ocean), San Jose San José (near the capital) Costa Rica is located in the Central American isthmus and belongs to North America. Latitude 10 °north, longitude 84 °west. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the east and the North Pacific Ocean to the west, with a coastline of 1290 km (212km on the east coast and 1016 km on the west coast). Costa Rica borders Nicaragua in the north (309 km long border) and Panama (639 km long border) south-southeast. There are a total of 51100 square kilometers, of which the territory is 50660 square kilometers and the territorial sea is 440 square kilometers, which is slightly smaller than West Virginia in the United States. it is equivalent to Ireland and Costa Rica, which accounts for only 0.03% of the world's land area, but has nearly 4% of the world's species. is one of the countries with the richest biological species in the world. 26% of the land area is a national park or nature reserve, including 11 wetlands, 2 biological reserves and 3 World Natural Heritage sites. The national forest coverage rate is 52%. The current constitution entered into force on November 7, 1949. The Constitution stipulates that the state implements a republic with the separation of legislative, judicial and executive powers. The General Audit Office and the Supreme Electoral Court are independent bodies. The President shall be the head of State or Government and may stand for re-election at alternate terms; the President and Vice-President shall be directly elected for a term of four years; when the President is absent, the first Vice-President, the second Vice-President and the Speaker shall take over in turn. In April 2003, my brother amended the constitution again to allow the president to be re-elected for another term.

The coffee beans produced at the high latitudes of Costa Rica are famous in the world, full-bodied, mild in taste, but extremely sour.

After careful treatment, it is precisely because of this that there is high-quality coffee. Tarasu, located in the south of SanJos é, the capital of Costa Rica, is one of the most important coffee growers in the country. Tarrazu is one of the major coffee producing areas in the world. Coffee was introduced to Costa Rica from Cuba in 1729. Today, its coffee industry is one of the well-organized industries in the world, with an output of 1700 kg per hectare. Costa Rica has only 3.5 million people but 400m coffee trees, and coffee exports account for 25 per cent of the country's total exports. Costa Rica's volcanic soil is very fertile and well drained, especially in the central plateau CentralPlateau, where the soil consists of successive layers of ash and dust. Costa Rica was therefore the first country in Central America to grow coffee and bananas for commercial value. Coffee and bananas are the country's main export commodities Costa Rican coffee is full of particles, ideal acidity and unique strong flavor. Costa Rica's coffee industry, originally controlled by the Costa Rican Coffee Industry Company (ICAFE), has been taken over by the official Coffee Committee (Oficinale Cafe). Among the exported coffee, those products that are considered to be of substandard quality are colored with blue vegetable dyes and then transferred back to China for sale. Coffee consumed domestically (dyed blue or undyed) accounts for about 10% of total production, and local per capita coffee consumption is twice that of Italy or the United States.