Coffee review

Introduction to the taste and flavor of Costa Rican boutique coffee bean manor.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1502 C. Columbus discovered the coast of Costa Rica on his fourth voyage. Since then, the Spanish colonists have invaded many times. The city of Catago was founded in 1563 and Costa Rica was colonized by Spain and placed under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. During the colonial period, under the cruel enslavement and oppression of the Spanish colonists, the Indians were almost wiped out and there was little labor available for enslavement.

1502 C. Columbus discovered the coast of Costa Rica on his fourth voyage. Since then, the Spanish colonists have invaded many times.

The city of Catago was founded in 1563 and Costa Rica was colonized by Spain and placed under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. During the colonial period, under the cruel enslavement and oppression of the Spanish colonists, the Indians were almost wiped out, and there was little labor available for enslavement, so the Spaniards had to cultivate small plots of land and produce the agricultural products they needed. Costa Rica has long been in a state of poverty, ignorance and isolation. The seven provinces are: Alajuela Alajuela (central, northwest of San Jose), Catago Cartago (central, east of San Jose), Guanacaster Guanacaste (northwest), Eredia Heredia (central, north of San Jose), Limon Lim ó n (east, along the Caribbean) and Pentarenas Puntarenas (west). (along the Pacific Ocean) and San Jos é (near the capital) Costa Rica has very different climatic conditions, completely subverting the classification of the four seasons of the year, with only two seasons, the rainy season from April to December, and the dry season, also known as summer, from the end of December to April of the following year. The annual average temperature in San Jose, the capital, ranges from 15 ℃ to 26 ℃; the temperature in the coastal areas is relatively high, with a night average temperature of 21 ℃ in the Caribbean and a daily average temperature of 30 ℃. Oil is completely dependent on imports, mainly from Colombia and other countries, and is monopolized by the National Oil Company (RECOPE), with an average annual import of 3 million tons of crude oil. Since 2012, the national oil company has suspended crude oil refining production due to aging facilities, and all fuel oil has been imported instead. In 2013, Costa Rica imported 19.3 million barrels of oil, with imports of US $2.3 billion, accounting for 5.5 per cent of GDP. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body, composed of 22 judges for a term of eight years. At the end of his term of office, he or she may be automatically re-elected if there is no objection from the members of Parliament. There are four courts, the first, second and third tribunals are each composed of five judges, and the fourth court (Constitutional Court) is composed of seven judges and has the final power to interpret the Constitution. The Chief Justice shall be appointed by the Legislative Assembly for a term of eight years and may be re-elected. Supreme Court President Saria Bianueva Munh (female, Zarella Villanueva Monge), elected in May 2013, is the first female Supreme Court President in history. The local courts of Costa Rica are at the provincial, county and district levels.

Coffee is an important economic source of Costa Rica. It was introduced in 1808 and has been cultivated for 200 years. Kenya, Guatemala and Ethiopia are the main competitors for Costa Rica's 1x3 population to invest in high-quality coffee. Coffee production in Brazil and Vietnam is mainly in quantity, which is not enough to pose a threat to high-quality coffee in Colombia. In the next five years, my country plans to increase the export volume of high-quality coffee to 70% of all exported coffee.

Third, strengthen the export of high-quality coffee to Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries. European and American countries have high living standards, high consumption levels and high requirements for the quality of coffee. A cup of high-quality coffee can sell for $3.25 in Europe and the United States. My brother launched a strong publicity campaign for the European, American and Japanese markets. The offensive has spread to Russia. China has also been included in the future market for Colombian coffee.

Fourth, increase domestic coffee consumption and expand the domestic market. The survey found that there is very little coffee consumption in these coffee-producing countries, whether in Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam and Costa Rica. To this end, the Colombian coffee authorities are prepared to strengthen the development of the domestic consumer market and increase the publicity and sales of domestic coffee products while opening up foreign markets, so as to create a good space for the further development of the coffee industry.

In the coffee-related industry, Colombians say that coffee has changed the country and can enjoy a rich environment, and coffee has indeed made an outstanding contribution. Although Costa Rica has the lowest land area in Central America, its economic environment is better than that of half of the countries, and because of its affluent people, social stability, and the ability to care about environmental issues, Costa Rican coffee, which has more than 30 national parks in Costa Rica, is called "extra hard beans". This kind of coffee can grow at an altitude of more than 1500 meters. Altitude has always been a problem for coffee growers. The higher the altitude, the better the coffee beans, not only because the higher altitude can increase the acidity of the coffee beans and thus increase the flavor, but also because the night temperature at the higher altitude is lower, which can make the trees grow slowly, thus the flavor of the coffee beans is stronger. In addition, due to the abundant rainfall caused by the drop at high altitude, other coffees that are very beneficial to the growth of coffee trees are: JuanVinas,PR, H.Tournon, Windmill,SHB, Montebello and SsntaRosa. Fine coffee is generally grown in Geredia and the central canyon. Another striking type of coffee is Sarchi (one of the five towns that represent Costa Rica's Coffee Road), which grows on the slopes of the PoasVolcano volcano, 53km from San Jose. Saatchi, founded in 1949, has a land area of 30770 hectares and grows sugar cane and coffee. The area is also famous for its handicrafts, attracting tourists from all over the world