Coffee review

Encircling method-the charm of lines sammylin's flower-pulling works

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The pattern based on lines is simple and fast, and there is no need to pay much attention to sketching. All you need is to move your heart at will and spread it freely. It is very suitable for doing it during peak hours. One of the major features of the encirclement method is that the visual pattern is clear and pleasing to the eye. However, the basic elements needed are high-quality espresso and delicate foam. The technique can be divided into large line spacing.

The pattern based on lines is simple and fast, and there is no need to pay much attention to sketching. All you need is to move your heart at will and spread it freely. It is very suitable for doing it during peak hours.

One of the major features of the encirclement method is that the visual pattern "leaping on the cup" is clear and pleasing to the eye. However, the basic elements needed are high-quality espresso and delicate foam.

The technique can be divided into two types: large distance between lines and fine lines.