Coffee review

The characteristics of Kilimanjaro Coffee Flavor Manor in Tanzania

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In 1886, Tanganyika Inland was placed under the German sphere of influence. In November 1917, British forces occupied the whole territory of Tanganyika. In 1920, Tanganyika became a British mandate. In 1946, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to change it into a British trust. On May 1, 1961, Tanzania achieved internal autonomy. On December 9 of the same year, independence was declared, and the Republic of Tanganyika was established a year later. Zanzibar became a British guarantor in 1890

In 1886, Tanganyika Inland was placed under the German sphere of influence. In November 1917, British forces occupied the whole territory of Tanganyika. In 1920, Tanganyika became a British "mandated territory". In 1946, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to change it into a British "trust land." on May 1, 1961, Tanzania achieved internal autonomy, declared independence on December 9 of the same year, and established the Republic of Tanganyika a year later.

Zanzibar became a British "protectorate" in 1890, gained autonomy on June 24, 1963, declared independence on December 10 of the same year, and became a constitutional monarchy ruled by the Sultan.

On January 12, 1964, the Sang people overthrew the sultan and founded the Zanzibar people's Republic. Tanganyika and Zanzibar formed a United Republic on April 26, 1964, and changed its name to the United Republic of Tanzania on October 29 of the same year. Julius Kambarage Nyerere was the founding president and was re-elected twice until he resigned voluntarily in 1985. Mwinyi was elected the fourth president of the United Republic on October 27 of the same year and was re-elected in 1990.

In December 1992, the Zanzibar government joined the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) without authorization, which was strongly opposed by the coalition government and was forced to withdraw in 1993.

In October 1995, the first multi-party general election was held in Tanzania. Mkapa was elected president of the United Republic, and Salmin was re-elected president of Zanzibar by a narrow margin.

After 1996, the Sang opposition party stepped up its action against the coalition. With the firm support of the coalition government, the mulberry government has taken tough measures to suppress the activities of the opposition and resolutely safeguard the coalition system.

Due to political instability and rampant diseases and insect pests, the coffee industry in Tanzania has been damaged, leading to a decline in the overall level of coffee and instability in quality, which in turn lead to lower prices, which are usually the result of a further decline in the coffee industry. More notably, it is estimated that more than 12 per cent of Arabica coffee grown in northern Tanzania from 1969-1985 was smuggled into Kenya. Recently, however, the country's coffee industry has shown signs of improving. Although the process of improvement is slow, it is still encouraging because the quality of the coffee in Tanzania is the best, the coffee bean-shaped berry coffee in Tanzania produces a lot of coffee and is said to be stronger than regular coffee. Generally speaking, coffee beans in Tanzania have extraordinary quality. For example, the high-quality AA coffee (ChaggaAA) from Tanzania, produced in the Moshi area near Mount Kilimanjaro, is famous for its full-grained and fragrant quality. The coffee export of Tanzania (Tanzania) occupies an important position in the whole national economy.

In the past, the coffee industry in Tanzania has been dominated by manor cultivation, but now more than 85% are grown by small farmers. Many small farmers form cooperative organizations, the most important of which is the Kilimanjaro Cooperative Alliance (KilimanjaroCooperativeUnion, referred to as KNCU). Tanzanian coffee is sold by the Tanzanian Coffee Management Council (TanzanianCoffeeMarketingBoard, TCMB) to private exporters by auction. In the 1980s, most coffee sales in Tanzania shifted from auctions to being sold directly to the Tanzania Coffee Management Committee. Tanzanian coffee belongs to Central / East Africa washed (wet) coffee beans, characterized by bright acidity and wild flavor. Kenyan coffee is undoubtedly the best of this kind of coffee. Garden beans are usually singled out and sold at a higher price, but their performance in the cup is often unsatisfactory, making people feel that it is not worth it. Tanzania green beans, as a new type of coffee beans, sell very well in the United States, so many roasters have accepted this reality. Indeed, Tanzanian coffee has great potential, but it often misses the expression period of the best flavor because of the long transportation process. Because the coffee industry in Tanzania does not have the same infrastructure as Kenya, it is very possible that coffee beans have become old beans in containers on the way to the port. I can often brew the perfect flavor of this kind of coffee, but the aged beans have completely lost their flavor in a few years.