Coffee review

Introduction to the varieties of flavor and taste in the producing area of Costa Rican Saint Roman Coffee Manor

Published: 2024-10-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, The coffee produced in Costa Rica is light and sweet in flavor and pleasant in flavor. The excellent Costa Rican coffee is called SHB. The coffee beans here have been carefully processed, and that is why there is high-quality coffee. Costa Rican coffee is full of Arabica beans, washed with water, its style is bright, fragrant, clear as wind chimes swaying in the breeze, and sour

The coffee produced in Costa Rica is light and sweet in flavor and pleasant in flavor. The excellent Costa Rican coffee is called SHB. The coffee beans here have been carefully processed, and that is why there is high-quality coffee. Costa Rican coffee is full of Arabica beans, washed with water, its style is bright, fragrant, clear as wind chimes swaying in the breeze, mild acidity and sweetness. Because of the sweetness, even if the coffee gets cold, it tastes very good, which is a major feature of Costa Rican coffee.

Product name: Tarazhu Costa Rica Tarrazu SHB, Costa Rica

Country: Costa Rica

Producing area: Tarazhu Tarrazu

Manor: jaguar Manor El Puma Estate

Grade: SHB/EP

Treatment: washing and fermentation, drying in the back section.

Baking degree: medium baking

Finally, let's talk about personal taste. Using utensils: Philharmonic pressure, 20 seconds pressure filtration, 88 degrees water temperature, medium to medium fineness grinding, water powder ratio 12:1, this Philharmonic pressure product surprised me, no less than the successful siphon pot. The dry fragrance and wet fragrance are quite strong, and the dry fragrance of the powder is comparable to that of Yega Snow, to a sweet fragrance that makes people secrete saliva. It smells like chocolate. Rich aroma, mild taste, clean, can not taste astringent taste. The first mouthful was actively sour, but after a while the second bite felt very balanced and thick. After that, you will feel that the bright sour taste is blocked by glycol. After that, Huigan was also quickly and obviously, but it lasted not long. This cup is not bitter or astringent, the acidity is good, clean and mild Costa Rica, people who do not drink a single drink may like it.

Costa Rica is located in the volcanic belt of the low latitudes of Central America, with the central plateau and mountains about 800 to 2000 meters above sea level.

The climate here has two obvious dry and wet seasons. The harvest period is from November to March of the following year, which coincides with the dry season, and coffee fruits of high quality and consistent maturity can be harvested. The dry season also provides sunshine conditions for the sun treatment, ensuring adequate precipitation in the rainy season. The fertile and well-drained pozzolanic soil provides sufficient nutrients for coffee growth, coupled with the growth advantage of high altitude, which has become a prerequisite for the breeding of high-quality coffee in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica's law only allows the planting of Arabica varieties, and Robusta is "contraband" in its territory, which shows the importance Costa Rica attaches to the quality of coffee. The varieties cultivated in Costa Rica are mainly caturra and catuai, and there are also many varieties in the country, the most famous of which is the bourbon variety villa sarchi, which grows very well at high elevations and has strong wind resistance. It can also grow in barren soil, and it will grow better under shade trees. The most prominent feature is excellent sweetness and good acidity. Costa Rica's coffee skills are very high, regardless of breeding, planting or post-processing methods (especially honey treatment) can be used as a reference for various producing countries.

There are many excellent producing areas in Costa Rica, and the high-quality producing areas of Costa Rica have a common understanding of quality, that is, it requires the use of mature coffee fruits to ensure the production of high-quality coffee.

Generally speaking, a large amount of water is used in the post-processing of the picked coffee fruit, but the advanced production equipment in Costa Rica saves the use of water resources to the greatest extent, and a circulating filter is used to treat the waste water from washing coffee beans. let the waste water be purified into clean water to prevent pollution of the local soil environment.

After peeling, the peel and pulp of the coffee fruit are recovered as feed for livestock, or converted into organic fertilizer, as well as coffee bean dryer fuel. It can be said that in every process of coffee production, Costa Rica complies with the requirements of maintaining the natural environment.