Coffee review

Knowledge of coffee

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, It is said that in the sixth century, a shepherd in Ethiopia found his sheep jumping everywhere. He carefully observed that the sheep had this excited reaction after eating only one kind of red tiredness. He tried to share the fruit among others, and all the people felt refreshed and refreshed after eating it, so the fruit was used as a pick-me-up.

It is said that in the sixth century, a shepherd in Ethiopia found his sheep jumping everywhere. He carefully observed that the sheep had this excited reaction after eating only one kind of red tiredness. He tried to share the fruit among others, and all the people felt refreshed and refreshed after eating it, so the fruit was used as a pick-me-up.

The origin of coffee

Raj, an Arab doctor in the tenth century, wrote the earliest written records about coffee, but the cultivation of coffee dates back to 575 AD. Arabica, the best variety of coffee, came from Ethiopia. In the fifteenth century, southern Arabs in Yemen began to plant saplings from Ethiopia.

The unrest of coffee

The popularity of coffee was initially related to religion, but later became a threat to religious discipline. Coffee has become a subversive drink. It brings people together to exchange wisdom and incite political debate and revolt. In 1656, Ottoman Emperor Kepuri banned coffee shops for political reasons and banned people from drinking coffee. In 1674, European women complained in a petition against coffee that whenever there was an emergency at home, men were always away because they were all in the coffee shop. The French wine merchant intends to tarnish the reputation of coffee because coffee is the number one enemy of wine.

Coffee is a drug.

In 1657, an English newspaper reported that coffee has many effects on gastric ulcers, can strengthen the heart, promote digestion, lift spirits, relax the mood, treat eye diseases, colds, coughs, lung diseases, headaches, edema, gout, scurvy, adenosis, and other diseases. Coffee is sometimes described as an elixir and sometimes as poison because some people suffer from coffee discomfort, such as insomnia, anger, palpitations, fever, weightlessness and gastrointestinal discomfort.

The origin of coffee

Colombia produces Colombian coffee; Brazil produces Brazilian coffee; Jamaica produces blue mountain coffee; Indonesia produces Java coffee; Tanzania produces Kilimanjaro coffee; Yemen produces mocha coffee; the United States produces Hawaiian coffee; Guatemala produces Guadimara coffee; Ethiopia produces mocha coffee

The planting of coffee

One of the characteristics of a coffee tree is its fruit, which can bear fruit several times a year, and another is that flowers and fruits coexist at different stages of ripening. If the trap is overripe, the beans will rot, and if not ripe enough, the beans will not ripen by themselves. The average yield of a tree is about 2 pounds a year.

The ideal growing environment for coffee trees is that the temperature is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, the appropriate altitude and annual rainfall are between 40 and 120 inches, and the best soil is a mixture of decomposed volcanic soil, humic soil and permeable soil.

Coffee guide

All grades and types of coffee in Brazil account for 1/3 of the world's coffee consumption, which is the number one coffee producer in the world. Colombia is the world's second largest coffee producer, has the world's best coffee beans, mellow taste, the most popular is Mantenin. Angola is the fourth largest coffee exporter in the world, producing only a small amount of Arabica coffee and is the top grade of synthetic beans. Costa Rican coffee beans are one of the best coffee in the world, mild, full-bodied, sour and strongly fragrant. Isabia is the ancestor of Arabica coffee beans, high acidity, with wine taste, rich, mild, strong taste and pleasant aroma. Jamaican Alpine Coffee is the best coffee in the West Indies, among which Blue Mountain Coffee is perfect in terms of quality, characteristics, aroma and sweetness. Yemen produces mocha coffee. Since people began to drink coffee, mocha has been recognized as a good coffee with distinctive acidity, and the coffee itself is very fragrant. Venezuelan coffee is of excellent quality and is one of the best coffee in the world, gentle and delicate, with attractive aroma in acidity.

Instant coffee

1. Cappuccino: usually 1 / 3 espresso, 1 / 3 steamed milk. 1 / 3 foam milk, preferably sprinkled with cinnamon. But ordinary small coffee shops in China rarely see cinnamon powder, and many of them are replaced by chocolate powder.

two。 Espresso: Italian espresso milk foam, American concentrated water bubble

3. The latte is also called Milk: 1 / 4 espresso, 2 / 4 milk, 1 / 4 milk foam. The milk tastes so strong that it will be as layered as a rainbow cocktail. It tastes good for girls, and it's better to order it for girls than to order cappuccino. The main reason is that cappuccino is too hot in China. 80-year-old granny knows that people will think you are uncreative and vulgar.

Blue Mountain: the sour, sweet and bitter taste are basically blended evenly. Pay special attention to 80% of the world's Blue Mountains are exported to Japan, so there are very few in China, and most coffee shops are fake or mixed. Pure blue mountains are rare.

5. Mocha: 1 stick 3 concentrate, 1 hand 3 hot chocolate and 1 hand 3 milk foam, then sprinkle with chocolate powder. Mocha coffee beans have a soft sour taste, but they are too sweet to taste in many coffee shops.

6. Japanese charcoal roasted coffee: heavy roasting will make people feel bitter, but maximize the original taste of the coffee. I also specifically asked the handsome owner of the coffee shop that the mixed proportion of coffee beans now contributes-- Colombia 2, Brazil 2, Mantenin 1.5, Java 4.5 or so.

7. Irish coffee: Irish Whiskey plus square sugar, alcohol lamp burning and pour coffee and whipped cream. Is also very famous, the pursuit of taste and different girls will like it.

8. My personal favorite coffee: ice droplets, is a special way of filtering iced coffee. It is said that iced coffee is not cold, but at room temperature. Coffee beans are usually mixed, and the coffee brewed in this way is very light.


1. Coffee contains certain nutrients. Nicotinic acid in coffee contains vitamin B, which is higher in roasted coffee beans. And there are free fatty acids, caffeine, tannic acid and so on.

two。 Coffee is good for the skin. Coffee can promote metabolic function, activate digestive organs, and has a great effect on constipation. Taking a bath with coffee powder is a kind of thermotherapy, which has the effect of losing weight.

3. Coffee has the function of relieving alcohol. Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol will quickly oxidize the acetaldehyde converted from alcohol, decompose it into water and carbon dioxide and discharge it out of the body.

4. Coffee can relieve fatigue. In order to eliminate fatigue, we must supplement nutrition, rest and sleep, and promote metabolic functions, and coffee has these functions.

5. Three cups of coffee a day can prevent gallstones. For caffeinated coffee, it stimulates gallbladder contraction and reduces cholesterol, which is prone to gallstones. The latest Harvard University researchers found that men who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were less than 40% likely to get gallstones.

6. Drinking coffee regularly can prevent radiation damage. Radiation damage, especially the radiation of electrical appliances, has become a prominent pollution at present. Indian Barba atomic researchers have come to this conclusion in mouse experiments and say it can be applied to humans.

7. The health care and medical function of coffee. Coffee has the functions of anti-oxidation and heart protection, strengthening muscles and bones, benefiting waist and knees, appetizer, eliminating fat and accumulation, promoting orifice and dehumidification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relieving wind and relieving spasm and so on.

8. The influence of coffee on mood. Experiments show that the average person absorbs 300 milligrams of caffeine (about 3 cups of brewed coffee) a day, which has a good effect on a person's alertness and mood.


1. Make a mess when you are nervous

Caffeine helps to improve alertness, agility, memory and concentration. But drinking more coffee than you are used to will produce the same dose of stimulants that you are used to, which can cause nervousness. For people with anxiety disorders, caffeine can worsen symptoms such as sweaty palms, palpitations and tinnitus.

two。 Aggravate hypertension

Caffeine is often combined with other simple painkillers because of its analgesic effect, but if you take it in large quantities for a long time, if you already have high blood pressure, using a lot of caffeine will only make your situation worse. Because caffeine alone can raise blood pressure, coupled with emotional stress, it can have a dangerous multiplication effect, so people at risk of high blood pressure should especially avoid drinking caffeinated drinks during stressful times at work. Some people who drink coffee all the year round think they are immune to the effects of caffeine, but this is not the case. One study shows that blood pressure can rise for up to 12 hours after drinking a cup of coffee.

3. Induce osteoporosis

Caffeine itself has a good diuretic effect, if you drink a lot of coffee for a long time, it is easy to cause bone loss, which will adversely affect the preservation of bone mass and may increase the threat of osteoporosis for women. But the premise is that people who don't get enough calcium in normal food, or people who don't move very often, plus women after menopause, calcium loss caused by lack of estrogen, coupled with a large amount of caffeine, may pose a threat to bones. If you can enjoy it in a reasonable amount, you can still stop eating for fear of choking.

In addition, the following six types of people are not suitable for drinking coffee:

Suffering from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and other diseases-long-term or heavy consumption of coffee can cause cardiovascular disease.

Older women-Coffee reduces calcium and causes osteoporosis. After menopause, women need to add ten times the amount of calcium every day.

People with stomach problems-drinking too much coffee can worsen stomach problems.

Pregnant women-drinking too much coffee can lead to fetal malformation or miscarriage.

People with vitamin B1 deficiency-vitamin B1 can maintain the balance and stability of the nervous system, and coffee has a destructive effect on it.

Cancer patients-drinking too much coffee is at risk of cancer to normal people