Coffee review

Description of coffee flavor in Tanzania introduction to the treatment of taste grinding degree of high-quality coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tanzanian coffee is mostly washed. After picking, coffee farmers will send the coffee fruit to the nearest processing plant for processing. The treatment step of the water washing method is to screen and remove the impurities in the coffee fruit, then remove the coffee pulp and exocarp, send it into the fermentation tank, and remove the pectin layer from the inner pericarp by fermentation. Clean

Tanzanian coffee is mostly washed. After picking, coffee farmers will send the coffee fruit to the nearest processing plant for processing. The treatment step of the water washing method is to screen and remove the impurities in the coffee fruit, then remove the coffee pulp and exocarp, and send it into the fermentation tank to remove the pectin layer on the inner pericarp by fermentation. clean and then dry. Coffee in Tanzania is graded in the same way as in Kenya, both according to the size of coffee beans. When screening, let the raw coffee beans pass through the screen with fixed size holes. The larger the number of the screen is, the larger the particles of the raw coffee beans are. The flat beans classified by size are mainly AA+, AA and AB. In addition, PB (peaBerry), which is widely produced in Kenya and Tanzania, also has a set of sieve size standards, which specifically classify the size of round beans.

Kilimanjaro Coffee (Kilikmanjaro Coffee) is produced in Mount Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa in northeastern Tanzania. Its coffee is of good quality, rich aroma and outstanding sour taste, so it is suitable for the preparation of comprehensive coffee. Kilimanjaro coffee is an important lifeline of the Tanzanian economy. About 17% of the foreign exchange is generated by coffee. It is mainly produced around MountKilimanjaro near Arusha in the northeast, that is, Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa with perennial snow. And Kilimanjaro coffee, one of the top representatives of Tanzania AA coffee beans, bred by volcanic ash, nature's achievement of beans, coffee with a unique cocoa aroma, a strong glycol Tanzania's main coffee producing area is located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, here is rich in volcanic soil, some coffee trees planted here are more than 100 years old The earliest coffee was first introduced by Christians from Kenya to grow coffee. Coffee trees must be carefully taken care of, weeded and fertilized. Moreover, old branches must be cut off so that new branches can grow again to maintain the quality of coffee beans. Coffee bean processing plants are well equipped; coffee beans are an important economic crop in Tanzania. The local government attaches great importance to this industry. Kilimanjaro coffee is a large coffee bean of uniform size, with a grayish green color, compared with a strong sour and sweet flavor, excellent flavor. Moderate baking will give off sweetness and light sour taste, and deep baking will produce soft bitterness. Suitable for blending coffee types: medium concentration Coffee description: refreshing acidity and medium mellow complement blackcurrant and mandarin orange flavors processing method: washing with flavors: blackcurrant, orange and lemon-like coffee: Kenya coffee Tanzania coffee from the rich soil of the East African Rift Valley is an outstanding representative of quality coffee from this region. Its refreshing acidity and medium mellowness complement sweet citrus and floral aromas. This coffee tastes great whether it's a hot drink or iced coffee. With oranges or berries, it can show its bright flavor.