Coffee review

Lively citrus citric acid sun Yega Shifeiwaka Coffee Flavor description Variety characteristics

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The traditional way of tanning in Ethiopia is rough and smelly, so it is popular.

The traditional way of tanning in Ethiopia is rough and smelly, which has been criticized by people. In 1959, the South American water washing method was introduced into the Yega Xuefei producing area. Most producing areas generally adopt the water washing treatment, that is, after the coffee fruit is peeled, the pectin layer is removed after fermentation and washing, and then dried.

Since 2006, some coffee processing plants in some producing areas have adopted the exquisite elevated shed sun drying method, which invests in high-intensity human labor, which isolates the coffee fruit from contact with the ground and prevents the miscellaneous smell of soil in the process of sunlight. create an unusually clean fruit flavor. After more than two weeks of sun exposure, dark brown coffee fruits are professionally stored, waiting for the whole flavor to ripen. Before the sale, the sun-dried cherry flesh and sheepskin are removed, and then the unripe beans and over-fermented beans are removed. Strict control has greatly improved the quality of sun-dried beans. Cool and foggy in the mountain villages of the Yegashifi producing area, the summer breeze is slow, cool but not hot, rain but not damp, and winter does not cause cold damage, which is the best environment for planting Arabica. There are no large coffee plantations. Coffee farmers mix coffee with other crops, usually under banana trees, to form a unique landscape.

Sun-treated Erika G1 has more lively citrus citric acid, aromas of apricot blossoms, exploding nuts of walnuts, and subtle aromas of cinnamon, cloves, rosemary and other spices. taste with a very good honey brown sugar sweet, very soft and attractive, as if the whole body soaked in the sea in early autumn, slapped by the cool sea Full of impact and stretching tenderness. What is even better is the tail rhyme, which will be filled with a sweet and sour sense of fruit and tea, like colorful bubbles. In such a reverie, Maoye seems to have returned to the era of first love, the era of carefree efforts to love.

Yega Xuefei is a by-product area of Sidamo province in Sidamo, Ethiopia. It is located in the northwest of Sidamo. It is one of the highest coffee-producing areas in Ethiopia. However, the mode of production and flavor here are so outstanding that Ethiopian coffee farmers compete to take pride in the flavor of their coffee, so they are independent from Sidamo and have their own style. It has also become the most famous producing area in Africa, Ethiopia Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Konga, which is extremely charming and unique in terms of dry and wet fragrance. Light to moderate baking degree, HARIO V60 hand flushing, water temperature about 85 degrees, medium fineness grinding, 215g water, 10g powder. The acidity of the product is very high, like a very sour fruit juice, basically no bitterness, alcohol thickness and consistency is poor. After using Ailo pressure, 230g water, 15g powder, about 90 degrees water temperature, it shows that most of the bitter Yega Xuefei is washed, but there are also a few off-product beans intended to be insolated to enhance the charming fruit aroma and mellow thickness. Coffee trees are mostly planted in farmers' own backyard or mixed with other crops in the field, the yield per household is not much, it is a typical rural coffee. These mountain villages are foggy, like spring all year round, with a gentle breeze in summer, cool but not hot, rain but not damp, and no cold damage in winter, giving birth to a unique flavor of citrus and flowers. The so-called "Yega Chuefei" refers to the strong aromas of jasmine, lemon, peach, almond and tea. Coffee entrance, flowers in full bloom! Just like a flower touches the comfort of taste buds and olfactory cells in the nasal cavity. In addition to the fragrance of the flowers, the delicate and mellow thickness (body) is like silk massage in the mouth, which makes it feel wonderful.