Coffee review

Description of Indonesian civet coffee flavor introduction of roasting degree and grinding degree of varieties

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Musk cats are omnivores, they are withdrawn by nature, like to walk at night, and live in tropical rain forests, subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests, mountain shrubs or hills, mountains and grasses below 2000 meters above sea level. Its food includes small beasts, birds, amphibians and reptiles, crustaceans, fruits and seeds of insects and plants. Civets like to choose the most mature and sweet coffee trees.

"civets" are omnivores. They are withdrawn by nature and like to walk at night. They live in tropical rain forests, subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests, mountain thickets or hills, mountains and grasses below 2000 meters above sea level. Its food includes small beasts, birds, amphibians and reptiles, crustaceans, fruits and seeds of insects and plants. The civet likes to choose the most mature, sweet, juicy coffee fruit in the coffee tree as food, while the coffee fruit passes through its digestive system and is digested only by the pulp on the outside of the fruit. The hard coffee beans are then excreted intact by the civets' digestive system. This is the "natural fermentation method" that was once scoffed by Americans. It is said that when Americans heard of such a way of making coffee, it was regarded as a fantasy, and it was not until it was reported by National Geographic magazine that they became interested in it.

It is said that coffee farmers in early Indonesia regarded civet cats that ate ripe coffee fruits as mortal enemies, but at some point someone began to think of picking coffee beans from the civet droppings to make coffee with unique flavor. Coffee experts everywhere have tried and were amazed. Since then, local farmers spend a lot of time collecting civet droppings in the forest every day during the coffee ripening season. The civet is a nocturnal animal that lives in the jungle. It eats very little, and coffee beans produced by wild civets are very rare. Only by artificial breeding can more Kopi Luwak be obtained. Some unscrupulous vendors keep the animals in small, dirty cages, forcing them to keep eating. they are on the verge of collapse, biting each other's companions, biting each other's legs and pulling blood. Tim Carman, a food columnist for the Washington Post, has commented on Kopi Luwak sold in the United States and concluded, "it tastes like Folger coffee." It's like rotten, lifeless taste. It's like petrified dinosaur shit in bath water. I can't finish it. "

The civet likes to choose the most ripe, sweet, juicy coffee fruit in the coffee tree as food. The coffee fruit passes through its digestive system, and only the pulp on the outside of the fruit is digested, and the hard coffee beans are then excreted intact by the civet's digestive system.

In this way, in the process of digestion, the coffee beans have an unparalleled magical change, the flavor tends to be unique, the taste is particularly mellow, and the rich, round and sweet taste is also incomparable to other coffee beans. This is because the civets' digestive system destroys the protein in the coffee beans, making the coffee produced by the protein much less bitter and increasing the round taste of the coffee beans.

Eva, the owner of Special Cafe, is a coffee enthusiast who travels around the world every year in search of rare goods. She told reporters that the "Kopi Luwak" was once a tribute from Indonesia to the Dutch royal family. At that time, the industry regarded the coffee with the name of "cat shit" as a joke, and it was not until it was specially reported by National Geographic that people became interested in the Kopi Luwak.