Coffee review

Yunnan Tieka Coffee Flavor description, Grinding degree, Taste characteristics, Fine Coffee processing methods

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, During the Tang Dynasty, GE Luofeng, the king of Nanzhao, was sent to Chang'an to worship the king of the Tang Dynasty. Wang asked: where is the king? The remote guide said: under the clouds in the south. So in the eyes of the imperial court, Yunnan was the name of the southwest frontier of the people's motherland. In the sixteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (728), the King of the Tang Dynasty sealed the cabinet of Luofeng as Ningzhou, which was directly ruled by the central government in the Western Jin Dynasty of Yunnan, which was one of the 19 states in the country at that time. Iron was widely used in Yunnan at this time.

During the Tang Dynasty, GE Luofeng, the king of Nanzhao, was sent to Chang'an to worship the king of the Tang Dynasty. Wang asked: where is the king? The remote guide said: under the clouds in the south. So in the eyes of the imperial court, "Yunnan" was the name of the southwest frontier of the people's motherland. In the 16th year of the Yuan Dynasty (728), the King of Tang Dynasty sealed the cabinet Luofeng as the "King of Yunnan". During the Western Jin Dynasty, Yunnan was changed to Ningzhou under the direct rule of the central government, which was one of the 19 states in the country at that time. At this time, iron was widely used in Yunnan, emigration was carried out, and new factors of feudal relations of production appeared in central and northeast Yunnan. During the Southern and Northern dynasties, Yunnan was replaced by Ningzhou in the seventh year of the Jin Dynasty (271). Taikang three years (282 years), re-province into Yizhou, home Nanyi school Wei. Taian two years (303 years), reset Ningzhou. In the eighth year of Xianhe in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD 333), Li Xiong sent Li Shou to conquer South Central China. Li Shou was named "King of Jianning" and Qichen was the thorn history of Jiaozhou. Xiankang four years (338 years), separate Anzhou. In the fifth year of Xiankang (339 AD), Qichen descended to Jin Dynasty, and the Jin Dynasty sealed Qichen as the stabbing history of Ningzhou, and admitted its hereditary status. From then on, the Yi people ruled Yunnan for 400 years.

Northern and Southern dynasties, Liang Datong year, changed to Nanning states, Cheng Sheng last year, Yunnan not in Qunman. In the seventeenth year of Emperor Kaihuang of Sui Dynasty (597), he reopened Nanzhong, still owned Nanning, led dozens of states, and later took it to the Yizhou capital mansion.

The western and southern parts of Yunnan Province are located between 15 °N and the Tropic of Cancer, most of which are 1000-2000 meters above sea level, and the topography is dominated by mountains and slopes. With fertile land, sufficient sunshine, rich rainfall and large temperature difference between day and night, the unique natural conditions have formed the particularity of Yunnan small seed coffee taste-strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, slightly fruity.

Pu'er, Xishuangbanna, Wenshan, Baoshan, Dehong, Lincang and other places in the south and west of Yunnan are all the distribution areas of small-grain coffee in Yunnan. As of January 1, 2012, according to the comprehensive survey of Yunnan Province, the planting area of coffee in Yunnan has exceeded 800000 mu, and the output of coffee beans in this period is expected to exceed 55000 tons. For the future, local governments in Yunnan have also drawn a blueprint: Dehong is planning to expand the coffee planting area from the current 100000 mu to 200000 mu in the next few years; Lincang plans to expand the existing 20, 000-mu coffee forest by 10 times to 200000 mu in the 12th five-year Plan; and Pu'er also plans to expand the 220000 mu coffee forest to 600000 mu. Other areas suitable for coffee cultivation, such as Baoshan and Xishuangbanna, are also planning to expand the planting scale.

Dehong: it has the laudatory name of "hometown of Chinese coffee". As of 2011, a total of 120900 mu of coffee has been developed and planted in the state, accounting for 30% of the total coffee planting area in the country. In the next 3 years, the planting area of coffee in Dehong Prefecture will reach 200000 mu. The coffee in Dehong Prefecture is planted at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, of which 30, 000 mu are planted in the mountains above 1600 meters above sea level. in addition, the coffee grown in Dehong Prefecture mainly uses organic fertilizers and organic pesticides, resulting in high quality coffee. China's coffee is one of the rare high-quality coffee producers in the world. Yunnan has a large output, with an annual output of about 26000 tons in recent years, accounting for 90 per cent of the national output. It is said that Yunnan coffee came from the French 70 or 80 years ago. The main variety is Arabica Arabica, that is, the so-called small seed coffee, commonly known as Yunnan small grain coffee. Yunnan's high-quality geographical and climatic conditions provide good conditions for coffee growth. The planting areas are Lincang, Baoshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Dehong and other prefectures. The natural conditions of Yunnan are very similar to those of Colombia, that is, low latitude, high altitude and large temperature difference between day and night. The small grain coffee produced is mellow by cup quality analysis, and its quality and taste is similar to that of Colombian coffee.

However, due to a variety of reasons, the development of Yunnan coffee industry is not fast. Yunnan coffee is mainly exported as raw materials, with an export volume of about 15000 tons in 2006. More than 60% of raw materials are acquired by Nestl é and Maxwell each year, and Starbucks and Amway have joined in recent years.

Due to the lack of deep processing and marketing, Yunnan coffee is not well-known and unrecognized by people locked in the mountains. It is believed that with the in-depth development of Yunnan coffee industry, the rising demand of domestic coffee market and the efforts of the government and enterprises, Yunnan coffee will usher in a new period of development.