Coffee review

Description of flavor of Ethiopian coffee insolated and washed; introduction to the characteristics of grindness and taste

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In December 1994, the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was formulated. According to the Constitution, Ethiopia will implement a federal system and a parliamentary cabinet system after the general election for a term of five years. After the national election in May 1995, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was established on August 22, and Meles became prime minister in her capacity as chairman of the majority party of the people's House of Representatives. On May 14, 2000, Ethiopia held a national meeting

In December 1994, the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was formulated. According to the Constitution, Ethiopia will implement a federal system and a parliamentary cabinet system after the general election for a term of five years. After the national election in May 1995, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was established on August 22, and Meles became prime minister in her capacity as chairman of the majority party of the people's House of Representatives. On May 14, 2000, Ethiopia held a national election, and EGF defeated other opposition parties by an absolute majority to stay in power. In October, the new federal parliament and government were established, and the speakers of both houses and Prime Minister Meles were re-elected, and the original cabinet also remained in office with the approval of the parliament. In October 2001, May readjusted government institutions and reshuffled the Cabinet, adding the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and the Ministry of Taxation, and forming a new cabinet of 18 ministers. In February 1977, Lieutenant Colonel Mengistu Hale Maryam (MENGISTU HAILE MARIAM) launched a military coup and served as Chairman of the "interim military Administration Council" and head of State. In 1979, the Ethiopian Labor people's Party Organizing Committee, mainly composed of soldiers, was established to implement an one-party system. In 1984, the Ethiopian Workers' Party was formed according to the Soviet Communist Party model. In September 1987, Mengistu announced the dissolution of the "interim military Administrative Council", the end of military rule, the establishment of the "people's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia" and the establishment of a new parliament, with Mengistu as president and head of government.

In March 1988, the rebel "Eritrean people's Liberation Front" (EPLF) and the "Tigre people's Liberation Front" (TPLF) launched an attack on government forces, and a large-scale civil war broke out. In 1989, the Eritrean people's Liberation Front occupied most of Eritrea. On May 28, 1991, the EGF troops, mainly the Tigre people's Liberation Front, entered Addis Ababa and the Mengistu regime collapsed.

Grade of Ethiopian coffee:

Ethiopia washed coffee Yega Chuefei G1 G2

The highest levels of Sidamo (Yirgacheffe, Sidamo) are level 2 and level 3 (G2, G3).

Most of the sun-processed coffee in eastern Ethiopia are grade 4 or grade 5 (G4, G5).

In many cases, level 4 coffee is marked as level 5 in order to reduce taxes. The current classification is not uniform and messy, because there are also first-and second-tier (Grand G2) Yirga Cheffe processed by tanning, but the highest level of Harald (Harar) is level four (G4).

The coffee producing areas of Ethiopia are Sidamo, Harald and Sidamo, Harrar and Yirgacheffe. Sidamo and Harrar are provinces and divisions, Sidamo is located in the south of Ethiopia bordering Kenya, and Harrar is bordering Somalia in the east of Ethiopia. Although Yirgacheffe is a community in the Sidamo region, its coffee is considered to be the best in Ethiopia because of soil composition and water content.

In the West, Ethiopian coffee is generally labeled and (Yirgacheffee, Sidamo and Harrar) sold on the market. Ethiopia is the hometown of Arabica coffee, and it is in the forests of Kaffa that you can see wild Arabica coffee. In Ethiopian, coffee is called "Bun" or "Buna". Coffee beans (coffeebean) may be translated from "Kaffa Bun". Arabica coffee has long been found in the Harald area, probably from the Kafa forest.

Essel coffee is processed by two processing methods: sun and water washing. The flavor of coffee processed by different processing methods is very different. Generally speaking, the alcohol thickness and soil taste of washed Sidamo, Yirgacheffe and Limmu coffee are slightly lower, and the taste of sun-processed coffee is more wild. But the taste of Essex coffee may be different from batch to batch, which requires more cup tests in order to find really good coffee.