Coffee review

Arabica and Robusta Coffee Flavor description characteristics of Grinding degree treatment of Manor country Baking

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, We say that everything in the world has the necessity of its existence, as long as but! Coffee is no exception. Taking a moderate amount of caffeine every day can protect your heart, reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease, and even prevent cancer. Beautiful girls, the editor's personal experience, after three meals a day after a cup of coffee, can definitely keep you in shape! Super effective for people with constipation. Robusta and Allah.

We say that everything in the world has the necessity of its existence, as long as but! Coffee is no exception. Taking a moderate amount of caffeine every day can protect your heart, reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease, and even prevent cancer. Beautiful girls, the editor's personal experience, after three meals a day after a cup of coffee, can definitely keep you in shape! Compared with Arabica coffee beans, Robusta has twice as much caffeine as Arabica coffee beans for people with constipation.

So many friends ask me why I drink a certain brand of coffee, my heart beats faster, I can't sleep at night, but I don't feel any discomfort when I drink our coffee, so there's no need for me to say any more.

So, for those who love coffee but are worried that they can't sleep with caffeine, and your little heart is very sensitive to caffeine, don't try robusta, but we have to admit that adding a small amount of robusta coffee to Arabica coffee beans, its high concentration and strong bitterness can really improve the overall mellow of coffee. So there are many coffee shops that add a small amount of robusta to the so-called Arabica coffee beans to improve its bitterness and mellowness. the taste of robusta coffee is very astringent, and the roasted robusta has a burning smell, and the bitterness is very strong, accompanied by a fishy smell and musty smell. Because its caffeine is twice that of Arabica, most of the robusta coffee grown today is used to extract caffeine and make instant, canned coffee. This is why we feel that instant coffee is not as good as freshly ground coffee. Robusta's coffee beans have always been praised as "the lowest and worst coffee." now many coffee shops advertise 100% Arabica coffee, including our own, which sells 100% pure Arabica coffee. It's hard for everyone to accept Robusta coffee these days.

The coffee market is currently divided into two categories: Arabica and Robusta

70% of the coffee beans grown are Arabica coffee beans and the other 30% are robusta coffee.