Coffee review

Taste differences of all kinds of coffee taste and flavor description characteristics of manor production area

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Cappuccino Cappuccino: production method espresso mechanism method: coffee powder 7 g water 50cc hot milk 50cc milk foam appropriate amount coffee preparation method: coffee powder 18 g water 120cc equal amount of hot milk foam method 1. Hot milk ready to be soaked. Half coffee and half hot milk are poured into the cup. Filled with milk foam Turkish coffee: the original is still used today.

Cappuccino Cappuccino:- production method-espresso mechanism method: coffee powder 7 g water 50cc hot milk 50cc milk foam right amount coffee preparation method: coffee powder 18 g water 120cc equal amount of hot milk foam right amount-practice-1. Hot milk ready to be soaked. Half coffee and half hot milk are poured into the cup. Top with milk foam

Turkish Coffee:

Up to now, the original cooking method is still used, and the complex process is somewhat exotic and mysterious. From this, we can peep into the heyday of the Ottoman Empire. -Turkish coffee making method (one serving)-1. Grind 12g deep-roasted coffee beans with the right amount of spices such as cinnamon or cardamom. (depending on personal preference, it may not be added) 2. Put the above fine powder into the pot and boil with water for about 20 seconds. 3. Wait for the coffee grounds to settle at the bottom of the pot, then gently pour out the coffee clarified at the top. 3. You can drink coffee with lemon or honey, or you can drink coffee with Turkish sugar, cream sugar or chocolate in your mouth.

Royal Coffee: this excellent dish was invented by an emperor who was able to fight a long war. by the way, he was Napoleon, the emperor of the French Empire! He doesn't like the smell of milk, he likes the pride of France-brandy! Another guy with spirits in his coffee! The blue flame danced with the mellow aroma of brandy and the scorch of sugar, then combined with a strong aroma of coffee, slightly sweet in bitterness. French arrogance, French romance. -Royal coffee making method (one person)-1. First brew the 90cc hot blue mountain coffee and pour it into a preheated porcelain cup. two。 Place the royal spoon (with fancy edges at both ends or a lighter spoon instead) across the cup, pour the brandy on the spoon and light the fire. Pour the lit blue flame of brandy into the cup and taste.

Magic Ice Cream Coffee: this creative and varied magic taste only belongs to the young you! Pour espresso on the cold Vanilla Ice Cream, then use chocolate sauce to freely compose the fresh cream and ice cream. The ice coffee is a magical blend of water and milk, leaving only fragrance and freshness in your mouth.

Mocha smoothie:-material-1. Iced coffee (per person) 2. Vanilla Ice Cream, 3 tablespoons. The right amount of chocolate syrup. The right amount of crushed ice is 5. Appropriate amount of foamed fresh cream-production method (per person)-1. Put the right amount of ice into the blender, then pour the sugar-free iced coffee into 2. Pour in about 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup. Then add Vanilla Ice Cream, can increase the sweet flavor, can increase or decrease 4. 5% according to personal preference. Add some crushed ice and stir for 20-30 seconds. Pour into the glass and add some whipped cream and chocolate syrup.

Bitter iced coffee:-material-espresso mechanism method: coffee powder 7g water 30cc milk 120cc ice cube appropriate amount general coffee preparation method: coffee powder 30g water 120cc milk 120cc ice cube appropriate amount of syrup-production method-1. Add syrup to the milk and pour into the cup. Put the ice cubes into the glass. Slowly pour the coffee to form a beautiful red and white layer

Yuanyang iced coffee: the "mandarin duck" of black tea and coffee can not only make ice, but can also be made into a hot drink, as if it symbolizes a pair of mandarin ducks of the same destiny. no matter they are in dire straits, the world of ice and snow is a community of life. Add some sweet pores before drinking to reconcile the taste, which symbolizes that there is still a lot of sweetness in life. -material-Iced Black Tea half cup iced coffee half cup condensed milk right amount-preparation method-1. Mix Iced Black Tea and iced coffee in a cup of 2. When drinking, adjust the sweetness by refining holes. For those who like hot drinks, change black tea and coffee to hot ones.

Irish coffee: there is a strong aroma of whisky in the name, and the Irish regard whisky as life, but also do something in the coffee! Irish coffee made from whisky can better set off the sweet and sour taste of coffee. A hint of mature melancholy. Be careful, you will get drunk even if you drink too much coffee.

Campbell blue macchiato coffee: Italian coffee is really "a hundred flowers blossom", and there are two flowers of Campbell blue and macchiato. As long as you add the right amount of whipped cream to the espresso, you can easily finish a cup of Campbell blue. The fresh white cream floats gently on the deep coffee, just like a white lotus flower that comes out of the mud and is not dyed. In Italian espresso, without whipped cream and milk, only two tablespoons of soft milk foam is a cup of macchiato. Unlike Campbell Blue, if you want to enjoy the delicacy of Macchiato, you have to drink it in one sip.

Green tea coffee: the fragrance of green tea draws our eyes back from distant countries. Japan is a nation that is good at absorption and integration. This time, they have found a balance between western coffee and oriental green tea. It also provides a new favorite for friends who love drinking tea. This is a pure Oriental flavor of coffee, the elegant fragrance of green tea, the rich exchange of coffee agitation.

Mocha Frost Coffee: guys who love chocolate, do you still have an appetite to try "frost" chocolate mocha? Use a blender to break ice cubes and ice cream to create a dense visual effect, then add mocha iced coffee, and you're done! The entrance is slippery and refreshing, giving you a cool afternoon in the heat of summer.