Coffee review

Dominica Santo Domingo Coffee Flavor description Manor

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The name Dominica, which originally means Sunday, was taken by Columbus when he first came to America to discover it, because it happened to be a Sunday. Today, this seemingly random name is quite far-sighted, because a good cup of coffee can bring people a relaxed and pleasant mood. The most distinctive feature of the introduction of Dominican coffee is freshness and elegance.

The name Dominica means "Sunday" and was given to Columbus when he first discovered it in America because it happened to be a Sunday. This seemingly random name seems to be quite far-sighted today, because a cup of good coffee can bring people a relaxed and pleasant mood. Open the introduction of Dominican coffee, the most distinctive characteristics are fresh and elegant, full of particles, excellent acidity and pleasant aroma (two colleagues agree with this evaluation). Such flavor characteristics are not only related to varieties and planting soil quality, but also closely related to the picking and processing methods of raw beans. Dominican coffee selection adopts the most costly manual method. Workers mainly consider the fullness of coffee particles and whether they are uniform. According to these conditions, coffee beans with the most plump and uniform particles can represent the best quality and best coffee in Dominica. And only choose washing treatment method, to ensure the high quality and stability of coffee beans, water washing method of coffee beans, taste cleaner, exudes a faint fragrance pure and soft, drink to people can feel a faint fruity, lingering aftertaste, smooth smooth Dominican coffee according to the height of the planting region on different tastes are slightly different, highland planting acid, but rich taste; lowland less acid, taste is also smooth. Some Dominican estates produce high-quality coffee beans with a rich aroma, a rich taste and a moderately bright acidity, often compared to the famous Puerto Rico or Jamaica beans. The earliest coffee in Dominica was imported from Martinique, dating back to the early 18th century. Dominica is an island country with a tropical climate. The annual temperature does not change much. Except for the middle Cordillera mountain area, where the temperature is relatively low and can reach below 0℃ in winter, the annual average temperature in other areas is between 25 and 30℃. Influenced by the terrain of the mountains, the north and east face the northeast trade wind, and the annual precipitation reaches 1500-2500 mm. It belongs to a tropical marine climate. Mountain forest dense, leeward southwest annual precipitation of 500-1000 mm, longer dry season, a tropical savanna climate.

Dominica's mild climate is conducive to coffee cultivation, and the best production areas for coffee are the Barahona region in the southwest and the Cibao Valley in the interior north of Santiago, Dominica's second largest city. The northern region, represented by Ciba, and the southern region, including Ocayabani Santo Domingo, produce fine coffee. Among them, Santo Domingo and Bani produced coffee world-famous, almost synonymous with Domica coffee