Coffee review

The concept of boutique coffee beans-Yunnan boutique coffee bean varieties

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, 1. Whether it has rich dry aroma (Fragrance). The so-called dry aroma refers to the aroma of roasted or ground coffee. two。 Whether it has rich wet aroma (Aroma). Wet aroma refers to the aroma of coffee extract. 3. Whether it has rich acidity (Acidity). It refers to the sour taste of coffee, the combination of rich sour taste and sugar can increase the sweet taste of coffee liquid. 4. Whether or not

1. Whether it has rich dry aroma (Fragrance). The so-called dry aroma refers to the aroma of roasted or ground coffee.

two。 Whether it has rich wet aroma (Aroma). Wet aroma refers to the aroma of coffee extract.

3. Whether it has rich acidity (Acidity). It refers to the sour taste of coffee, the combination of rich sour taste and sugar can increase the sweet taste of coffee liquid.

4. Whether it has rich alcohol thickness (Body). It refers to the concentration and weight of the coffee liquid.

5. Whether it has rich afterrhyme (Aftertaste). It refers to the afterrhyme of coffee, which is evaluated according to the flavor after drinking or spitting.

6. Whether it has rich taste (Flavor). Refers to the taste, the upper palate to feel the aroma and taste of coffee, to understand the taste of coffee.

7. Whether the taste is balanced or not. Refers to the degree of balance and combination between the various flavors of coffee.

Evaluation criteria for producing countries:

1. A variety of fine coffee. It is better to use Arabica inherent variety Tibica or bourbon variety.

two。 Is the altitude, topography, climate, soil and refinement of the cultivated land or farm clear? Generally speaking, the coffee with high altitude is of higher quality, and the fertile volcanic soil is the best.

3. The harvesting method and refining method are adopted. Generally speaking, it is better to adopt manual harvesting method and washing refining method.

In fact, according to Ms. Knudsen, people started drinking fine coffee, but later, due to the growing demand for coffee, the discovery and use of new coffee varieties led to the decline of coffee quality. later, people even began to dislike this bad coffee and began to turn to other drinks. In this case, Ms. Knudsen re-made people realize the value of boutique coffee, which led to a boutique coffee boom. In the United States, there are enterprises and stores in pursuit of boutique coffee represented by Starbucks. The market for boutique coffee is also growing. In the 1990s, with the rapid increase of boutique coffee retailers and cafes, boutique coffee has become one of the fastest growing markets in the catering service industry, reaching $12.5 billion in the United States alone in 2007. Now boutique coffee has become the fastest growing coffee market. Coffee producing and importing countries around the world are aware of the great potential of the boutique coffee market, and continue to make efforts to the production and production of boutique coffee. At present, there is no clear standard for judging fine coffee in the international community. Here, we will briefly explain the standards of the American Fine Coffee Association and the basic standards of coffee producing countries.