Coffee review

Differences between Yunnan coffee beans in China and high-quality coffee in the world; differences in flavor and planting environment

Published: 2024-10-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, Yunnan coffee is good, but all the country grows high-quality Arabica coffee instead of Robsta coffee, which is very rare and is one of the few countries that grow 100% Arabica coffee. Thus it can be seen that Yunnan coffee is not just about weight but not quality. Yunnan coffee is planted at high altitude, slow growth and high maturity, so it is suitable for Italian coffee.

Yunnan coffee is good, but all the country grows high-quality Arabica coffee instead of Robsta coffee, which is very rare and is one of the few countries that grow 100% Arabica coffee. Thus it can be seen that Yunnan coffee is not just about weight but not quality. Yunnan coffee has high altitude, slow growth and high maturity, so it is suitable for deep roasting of Italian coffee, and it is also a sign of high quality. Yunnan high-quality high-quality beans after deep baking (the first or second explosion), send out a rich chocolate-like mellow, is one of the best formula beans for Italian coffee. On the other hand, the light-baked boutique beans have a bright lemon sour taste, which is the favorite of sour women. The quality of Yunnan coffee still needs to be excavated and developed.

Everything has its two sides, and Yunnan coffee also has its shortcomings, so there are opinions of benevolence and wisdom. Most parts of southern Yunnan belong to subtropical climate, which happens to be on the most suitable coffee planting belt in the world, which is very suitable for coffee growth. Because most of these areas belong to mountainous areas, the planting land has a large slope, a large temperature difference between day and night, and sufficient sun and rainfall, so it is also very suitable for coffee growth.

Processing method:

The processing method of Yunnan coffee is generally washing processing, and the processed beans have uniform color, few defective beans and high quality.

It can be said that Yunnan coffee has the advantage of being in the right place at the right time and place in terms of hardware, but whether it is a good coffee depends on the grower's understanding of the coffee and the management of the coffee garden, and whether each link is carried out in a way that matches the improvement of coffee quality. whether quality priority or output priority has a great impact on the final result. Yunnan coffee industry has developed for only 30 years, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

"first of all, there was a feeling of numbness at the moment of being shocked by happiness, and it took three seconds to feel a rich and balanced taste, with a pleasant sour taste at the bottom of the tongue. The reddish-brown Krima crema flowed smoothly, starting with a full cup and more than a centimeter when it stabilized. Remove the cup and continue to flow out of the coffee, foam and color of the liquid can also flow out for a long time-extremely rich connotations. "

It was found that both City and Full-City had strong caramel aroma and similar almond aroma. It is distributed from grinding to cooking, and then continues to the entrance to the finish. At the same time, in the degree of City, we can feel the softer sour taste and faint sweetness. All in all, these Bourbon let us see the bright prospect of our country in the field of coffee cultivation, and hope to drink more and more Made in China beans in the near future. "

China's annual coffee production will double, and if the market demand continues to increase and coffee can bring profits to growers, China's coffee production will continue to increase. China produces nearly 1.3 million bags (60 kg / bag) of coffee beans a year, close to Nicaragua's pre-production of coffee from 2014 to 2015, the official said. By 2020, China's coffee production will double, which is likely to be close to that of Mexico and Guatemala. At present, traditional coffee producing areas in the world are suffering from diseases, pests and droughts, resulting in poor supply prospects. They chose Yunnan and accelerated their local layout because they were optimistic that Yunnan coffee would become one of the most important producing areas in the world. According to China United Business Daily, China's coffee market is expected to reach 300 billion yuan in 2020.