Coffee review

The difference between the powder distributor and the powder press how to use it correctly and how to make the powder press uneven?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Introduction to the correct use of coffee bean utensils water will flow out of these pits. There is no doubt that this place has become a route for the rapid flow of water, resulting in uneven extraction in this area. of course, the aroma of coffee is out of the question. Now let's talk about the pressure is too tight, for Espress.

"Why do you press the powder after the cloth powder? Isn't it pretty flat... Although the surface of the powder layer is flat after the cloth powder and the powder is pressed, the two steps have different purposes. Next, follow Qianjie to learn about the relationship and mission of "cloth powder" & "pressing powder".

The relationship between "cloth Powder" and "pressing Powder"

Indeed, with the help of the powder distributor, the powder layer in the powder bowl is indeed very flat, but the internal structure of the powder layer is still loose. The Italian espresso machine belongs to pressurized extraction, and the water strikes the powder layer rapidly. if the powder layer is not pressed, the impact of the water flow will produce a channel effect in the powder layer, resulting in uneven coffee extraction.

The purpose of the cloth powder is to make the coffee powder evenly distributed in the powder bowl and reduce the channel effect. The purpose of pressing powder is to make the coffee powder which is uniformly distributed but still loose become more compact, which can resist the impact of water flow and avoid more channel effect. As the saying goes, "the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked", and the relationship between them is probably "uneven cloth powder and crooked powder".

"cloth powder" can not be casually!

The coffee powder used to extract espresso is generally ground to a very fine degree, and caking occurs easily when encountered with static electricity / high humidity. If the caked coffee powder is not effectively dispersed and evenly distributed, it is easy to cause part of the powder layer to be denser and the other looser when filling and pressing in the back. Water flow is also because inertia naturally passes through the loose part during extraction, causing the loose part of the coffee powder to be over-extracted, while the dense part of the coffee powder will be underextracted, resulting in a cup of coffee with uneven extraction.

The traditional way of cloth powder is to pour the coffee powder into the powder bowl and move the coffee powder back and forth with your fingers and the tiger mouth position to make the coffee powder fall into the gap as far as possible to ensure that the coffee powder can be evenly distributed in every gap in the powder bowl. This way of distributing powder is easy to distribute unevenly, and the effect of caking and breaking is not good. Baristas must practice more.

Compared with the traditional way of powder distribution, the powder distributor will be more stable. No matter which type of powder dispenser it is, it can make the powder distribution more uniform each time, and it can be more efficient in terms of production efficiency and quality & stable and more hygienic.

When pressing powder, you must have a vertical arm!

In addition to compacting the powder layer, the most important thing is to balance the surface of the powder layer! If the surface of the powder layer is uneven, the thickness of the powder layer will become uneven. During the extraction, the water flow will inertia to the low flow, resulting in insufficient extraction in the thick powder layer and excessive extraction in the thin powder layer. Therefore, in order to achieve the balance of filling and pressing, it is necessary to use a powder hammer of the right size and a vertical arm to push down when pressing.

The powder hammer is like a seal that compacts the powder layer in a flat state. Be sure to choose the powder hammer that matches the diameter of the powder bowl! If you choose a big one, you can't use it naturally, but if you choose a small one, it will lead to a circle of coffee powder that is not pressed down, and eventually lead to uneven extraction.

Before filling and pressing, you should first put the powder bowl horizontally parallel, hold the handle end of the powder hammer in the palm, the tiger mouth of the palm facing down, and the thumb and index finger clamp the hammer end of the powder hammer. In the filling pressure from the elbow, forearm, powder hammer and powder bowl in a straight line perpendicular to the horizontal, vertical force when filling, direction down, compacting the coffee powder at one time. When filling, there is no need for excessive force, as long as the coffee powder can be evenly compacted. Because no matter how much force is used to fill the pressure, the force will be almost powerless at the bottom of the pressed powder. As long as the pressure is balanced, the extraction effect will be the same under 9bar pressure.

If there is a high-low imbalance after pressing the powder

Can I have a second filling?

If the surface of the powder layer is found to be uneven after filling, Qianjie suggests breaking up the pressed powder, reloading the bowl, cloth powder and then filling. If the secondary filling is directly modified, the powder layer will be split and the channel effect will be produced.