Coffee review

Yunnan coffee beans varieties processing method flavor taste characteristics Yunnan coffee hand brewing method grinding scale introduction

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Yunnan coffee flavor taste characteristics grinding scale processing method variety introduction Arabica coffee is Rubiaceae coffee shrub, 4-7 meters high, suitable for the annual average temperature of 18℃, 800~1800 meters above sea level on the mountain, winter no heavy frost area cultivation, in the sour moderate, rich and mellow aroma, in the domestic and foreign markets

With the implementation of domestic products, Yunnan coffee is now known to everyone, and there is a shadow of Yunnan coffee in cafes. But some people say that Yunnan coffee does not taste good, while others say that Yunnan coffee tastes good. Qianjie believes that this depends on the personal taste, everyone likes the taste is different, so some people like others do not like, this is very normal.


The dry aroma of Yunnan coffee is nutty, but it tastes more chocolate, nut and cream, on the contrary, brown sugar is more sweet, and the taste is more balanced as a whole, because coffee is a crop. the flavor is a little different every year, and now Yunnan coffee will be a little bit different.

The taste of tea, nuts and pine. It is a little similar to Columbia's Huilan Coffee and Mantenin Coffee, but it will be different if you taste it carefully. Mandenin Coffee is mellow, pine and herbal; Huilan Coffee has nuts, dark chocolate and soft acidity. Yunnan small grains are more balanced, but there are also nutty and pine flavors, with more tea and sour fruit.


Yunnan is the largest producer of coffee in China, with an annual output of about 26000 tons in recent years, accounting for 90% of the national output. Yunnan is also the most suitable coffee land and a golden area for coffee cultivation. The western and southern parts of Yunnan Province are located between 15 °N and the Tropic of Cancer, and most areas are 1000-2000 meters above sea level. The topography is dominated by mountains and slopes, with large ups and downs, fertile soil, sufficient sunshine, rich rainfall and large temperature difference between day and night. These unique natural conditions form the particularity of Yunnan small grain coffee taste-strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, slightly fruity. The natural conditions of Yunnan are very similar to those of Colombia, that is, low latitude, high altitude and large temperature difference between day and night. The small grain coffee produced is mellow by cup quality analysis, and its quality and taste is similar to that of Colombian coffee.


Coffee has been grown in Yunnan for 80 or 90 years. It is suitable to grow small-grain coffee in tropical and subtropical areas and low-heat river valleys in the south and southwest of Yunnan Province. at present, it is planted in 27 counties in 11 states, and the suitable land for growing coffee is 650000 mu in the province.

The main coffee growing areas in Yunnan are Lincang, Baoshan, Dehong and Pu'er, among which Pu'er is an important coffee producing area in China, with the largest planting area, the highest yield and the best quality, and it is also an important distribution center of international coffee business. Yunnan small-grain coffee is the most famous coffee in Baoshan. In December 2010, Baoshan small-grain coffee obtained A-level certification and passed the process of China National Standards Administration, which is considered to reflect China's National Geographic indication products.


Lincang City belongs to the subtropical low-latitude plateau mountain monsoon climate, the topography is complex, is an area of various climate types. Mainly affected by the warm and humid air flow in the Indian Ocean and the southwest monsoon, the distinction between the four seasons is not obvious, but the dry and rainy season is distinct, Rain Water is more, the sunshine time is long, the annual average sunshine is more than 2000 hours, the frost period is relatively short, and there is no frost in some areas all the year round; the three-dimensional climate is obvious, and the annual average temperature in the mountain area is 13 degrees Celsius.


The coffee farm in Qianjie is Lincang, and the coffee in Qianjie is made of iron pickup.

Tea village Pu'er has cultivated coffee for 150 years. At the end of 1990s, Pu'er City began to cultivate coffee as a dominant backbone industry to adjust the industrial structure and increase farmers' income. Due to the influence of the subtropical monsoon climate, most of Pu'er is frost-free all the year round, cold in winter and hot in summer. The average annual temperature in Pu'er is 15 to 20.3 degrees Celsius, the annual frost-free period is more than 315 days, and the annual rainfall is 1100 to 2780 mm.


The cultivation of coffee in Baoshan began in the mid-1950s, and the first coffee seedling was introduced by the late patriotic overseas Chinese Mr. Liang Jinshan in Southeast Asia. In recent years, with the expansion of international trade, Lujiangba's small-grain coffee is more famous. Baoshan is a low-latitude mountain subtropical monsoon climate, because it is located in the low-latitude plateau, the topography is complex, forming a three-dimensional climate of "one mountain is divided into four seasons, ten miles different days".


The Yunnan small grains of coffee in Qianjie is from Dibaoshan.

Dehong has the characteristics of no severe cold in winter, no heat in summer, abundant rainfall, hot and dry in the same season, small annual temperature difference, large daily temperature difference, short frost period and less frost days, which provides good growth and overwintering conditions for coffee trees. Quanzhou is close to the Tropic of Cancer and is located at low latitudes. Affected by the Indian Ocean southwest monsoon, it belongs to the south subtropical monsoon climate.

The main coffee varieties of Yunnan coffee


The variety of Yunnan coffee beans started with a variety of iron pickup. Yunnan tin tin can be traced back to 1904. Tian Deneng, a French missionary, brought coffee to Yunnan from Vietnam and successfully planted it in Zhugula Village, Binchuan County, Yunnan Province. this is the beginning of Yunnan coffee, generally known as small-grain coffee, commonly known as Yunnan small-grain coffee. Iron pickup varieties have relatively low disease and insect resistance and yield, and compared with the management of manpower, coupled with the market purchase price does not have many advantages, in recent years, brown farmers have changed to a new variety catimor. Therefore, at present, the coffee varieties commonly cultivated in Yunnan are Katim and its improved varieties. That is, Yunnan small-grain coffee is often said in the market.

Catimor Katim coffee beans strictly speaking, Katim coffee beans are not of pure Arabica ancestry. It is a hybrid of Timor (robusta coffee) and Caturra kadura (a mutant of bourbon), so catimor Katim has a 25% robusta pedigree.


It is because it contains 25% Robusta pedigree that determines the taste defects of Katim coffee-not rich in aroma, bitter, prone to astringency and more irritating mildew. Typica Iron pickup Coffee Bean originates from Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan, is the most widely cultivated variety of coffee in the Western Hemisphere; its plant is strong, but it is not resistant to light. The top leaf of the iron pickup is red copper, which is also known as Red Top Coffee. At present, many commercial improvements are derived from this.


Iron pickup coffee beans are recognized as a variety of fine coffee. However, the output is very low, and it is vulnerable to corrosion, which requires more manpower management and high cost of management and protection. Excellent manor beans such as the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, Manning of Sumatra and Kona of Hawaii all belong to Tibika.

Yunnan coffee bean treatment method

The weather in Yunnan is rainy and foggy, so washing treatment has become the most commonly used method of coffee treatment in Yunnan. Yunnan coffee is mainly treated by washing. Qianjie believes that washed coffee is characterized by cleanliness, stability and higher acid quality. Qianjie has always believed that water-washed coffee can better reflect the flavor of local coffee, so most of the rations and beans in Qianjie are mainly washed. The Yunnan coffee in the front street is washed and insolated.


The water washing method is to remove the peel and pulp of the picked coffee fruit, put the peeled coffee beans into the fermentation tank for fermentation, decompose the pectin layer by fermentation, wash the decomposed pectin repeatedly with clean water, and finally dry the coffee beans.

Qianjie brewing Yunnan small grains of coffee reference

Qianjie believes that the flavor of Yunnan coffee is relatively moderate, that is, it is both sweet and sour, so it chooses moderate roasting to highlight the chocolate aroma while retaining some of the acidity. From the cup test in Qianjie, Yunnan small grain grain beans show the aroma of nuts and herbs, the sweetness of brown sugar, and the acidity of plums, with a balanced taste. Sun Qianjie 2013 has a higher melon sweetness, black tea-like mellow, with chocolate thick, the overall flavor is clear, the aftertaste is clean.


Based on the balanced neutralization of Yunnan coffee, Qianjie chooses V60, the water temperature of hand flushing is 88 degrees Celsius, the water temperature is too high, it is easy to produce bitter flavor, and if the water temperature is too low, it is easy to lack of extraction. Here, Qianjie uses a medium water temperature of 88 degrees Celsius. Compared with other conical cup, V60 filter cup has a larger diameter outlet, connecting the top and bottom of the spiral flow guide ribs, water vapor can be discharged more easily in the extraction process, thus improving the flavor level.

Of course, some people may ask whether Yunnan small coffee is medium-baked and whether it is possible to brew it with a KONO filter cup. Qianjie believes that this is also possible, but if you use a KONO filter cup, the flavor will not be so rich, but will be more mellow. Interested friends can also have a try!


Qianjie Yunnan small Coffee brewing parameters: filter cup: V60, water temperature: 88 ℃, ratio of powder to water: 1:15, grindness: medium grinding (Chinese standard No. 20 sieve pass rate 75%).

When brewing, three-stage water injection can be used for extraction, thus giving the coffee a richer sense of hierarchy. First inject 30 grams of water to wet the coffee powder completely and steam it for 30 seconds, then the small flow slowly circulates into the second section of water to 125 grams for segments, the water level in the filter cup drops to the point where the powder bed is about to be filtered, and then the injection can be stopped when the water in the third stage is injected to 225 grams, and the filter cup can be removed after the water in the filter cup drips completely to the bottom of the sharing pot, and the total extraction time is 2 minutes.

Qianjie Coffee washes Yunnan small Coffee Flavor: it smells nutty, with herbs, chocolate, caramel and a hint of acidity in the finish.


Suggestion on brewing coffee in Qianjie

In order to brew a delicious cup of coffee, whether hand-brewed or Italian, Qianjie has always believed that the freshness of coffee beans is very important. The coffee beans shipped in Qianjie are all roasted within 5 days, because Qianjie is well aware that the freshness of coffee beans has a great impact on the flavor. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.

Of course, there are some customers who need help grinding powder in front of the street, which doesn't matter, but Qianjie has to warn: if the coffee beans are ground ahead of time, there is no need to raise the beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure caused by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor mellow, so when you receive the coffee powder, you can immediately make a cup of coffee drink. But the coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because the coffee powder oxidizes more quickly after contact with the air, that is to say, the flavor of the coffee will dissipate more quickly, and the flavor of the coffee is not so good. Therefore, Qianjie suggests buying whole beans, grinding and flushing now, so that we can better taste the flavor of coffee.

In the past, when it comes to coffee, it will be said that it is imported, but now our Chinese coffee is also stubborn. There are three kinds of Yunnan coffee in Qianjie: washed Yunnan small grain coffee, sunburned Yunnan Katim coffee and Qianjie 2013 tanned iron pickup coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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