Coffee review

Costa Rican siphon pot hand brewed coffee flavor description processing method Variety characteristics Production

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Costa Rica siphon pot hand brewed coffee flavor description processing method Variety characteristics Production area introduction Because this production method is very good to retain the flavor of coffee, so the final coffee state is pulpy, placed under the light was cloudy feeling. Siphon vs. Hand Brewing Effect on Flavor: The integrity of coffee extracted using a siphon pot is stronger than that of coffee brewed by hand, due to the filter paper

Introduction to the flavor description and processing method of siphon pot hand-made coffee in Costa Rica

Because this production method retains the flavor of the coffee very well, the final coffee is in a pulpy state and is placed under the light to show a sense of turbidity.

Siphon VS hand flushing method

Effect on flavor:

Using a siphon pot to extract coffee is more complete than hand-brewing coffee, because the filter paper will filter out the oil in the coffee, compared with the larger gap in the filter cloth in the siphon pot, which will retain more oil and other flavors in the coffee.

The effect on the taste:

The siphon pot preserves the taste and layering of the coffee, while the handmade coffee is characterized by a relatively higher purity of taste.

Main utensils: ice drop coffee maker, ice cubes

Recommended coffee beans: Manning

Selection skills of coffee beans:

Mantenin is a kind of coffee beans with heavy flavor, and the coffee will be extracted more fully by using the ice drop method, while the coffee beans with thinner flavor and stronger fruit flavor are not suitable for the ice drop production method, which will make its characteristics disappear.

Caffeine content:

The extraction method of ice drop coffee will result in lower caffeine content in coffee, so it is recommended for people who are worried about coffee insomnia.

Coffee with a dark beer flavor:

When ice drop coffee is mixed with coconut syrup and soda, it tastes as delicious as dark beer and has created a history of being out of stock.

The ratio of water to coffee powder:

The ratio of water to coffee powder for ice-drop coffee is recommended at 1:17, for coffee has a better full-bodied effect.

Extraction skills:

In the process of making ice drop coffee, two filter papers need to be placed above and below the coffee powder to help the coffee extract evenly. During this period, the filter paper is recommended to use hot water to remove the pulp flavor and then cool it.

Extraction time:

Generally, the extraction time of ice drop coffee is about 10 hours, and 550ml can be extracted, about 3 small cups. The extracted coffee needs to be refrigerated in the refrigerator for one night to make the taste more mellow.