Coffee review

Flavor description of coffee beans in jasmine manor in Guatemala

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Guatemala Euro Jasmine Manor Coffee Bean Flavor description Taste characteristics production area: Antigua altitude: 1550-1800 m processing method: washing grade: European SHB roasting degree: CITY+ flavor features: lime, malt caramel, floral, dark chocolate, chestnut, aftertaste Guatemalan coffee-rich fire

Flavor description of coffee beans in jasmine manor in Guatemala

Jasmine Manor in Guatemala

Place of origin: Antigua

Altitude: 1550-1800 m

Processing method: washing

Grade: European SHB

Baking degree: CITY+

Taste features: lime, malt caramel, flower fragrance, dark chocolate, chestnut, aftertaste

Guatemalan coffee-rich volcanic soil, smoky

Coffee was really introduced into Guatemala in 1750 by Father Jesuit, and the coffee industry was developed by German colonists at the end of the 19th century. Today, most of the coffee industry's production takes place in the south of the country. Guatemala horse

There are seven major coffee producing areas in La, and the flavor of the coffee produced in each area is different, but to sum up, the coffee from Guatemala

With a mild and mellow overall texture, elegant aroma and special and pleasant acidity similar to fruit acid, coffee has become an aristocrat in coffee, among which Antigua Classic Coffee (AntiguaClassic) has been recommended by coffee connoisseurs around the world.

The coffee produced in Guatemala is one of the top coffee in the world, because Guatemala is a high-altitude volcanic terrain.

These volcanoes are ideal places to grow coffee. Critics prefer this kind of coffee to other kinds of coffee.

Mixed-flavor coffee with a spicy flavor. The extra hard coffee beans here are a rare good coffee with full grains, delicious taste and balanced acidity.