Coffee review

Katim Coffee Bean Flavor Description Taste Manor Area Grinding Scale Treatment Introduction

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Katim coffee bean flavor description taste manor production area grinding scale treatment method introduced this variety is a variety of high and stable yield, in different ecological types of trial planting results show that as long as according to high yield cultivation techniques and measures, will certainly obtain higher yield, average yield of more than 150 kg per mu, small area up to more than 400 kg. 1. State-owned Lujiang Farm in Baoshan City was planted in March 1991

Description of Katim Coffee Bean Flavor introduction of Grinding Calibration method in Manor area

This variety is a variety with high and stable yield. The results of trial planting in different ecological areas show that as long as it is planted in accordance with high-yield cultivation techniques, a higher yield will be obtained, with an average yield of more than 150 kg per mu and a small area of more than 400 kg.

1. The state-run Lujiang Farm in Baoshan City planted 12.6 mu in March 1991. The land is unshaded and irrigated once in the dry season. The level of management and fertilization is above. In 1993, the average yield per mu was 75 kg in 1993, 350 kg in 1994, 225 kg in 1995, 217 kg in 1996, and 36% higher than Tiebika and Bobang (160 kg per mu).

2. Yunnan Dehong Tropical Agricultural Science Research Institute 1991 planted 30 mu with no shade and anhydrous irrigation, with a medium level of fertilization and management. the average yield per mu was 304.3 kg in 1993, 294 kg in 1994, 222.5 kg per mu in 1995, 273.6 kg per mu in 1995 and 1996, and 82% higher than that of S288 (S288).

3. The covered field coffee base of Ning'er County Coffee Company planted 50 mu in July 1998. the site environment was unshaded, the level of management was medium, and the level of fertilization was low, but the soil fertility was high. Since 2000, the average yield per mu was 285kg in 2001,2002,340kg in 2002,293kg per mu in 2003,306kg per mu in three years, 53% higher than PT and 91% higher than P4 (PT). P4 average yield per mu is 160 kg)

Select seedlings with robust growth, close to branches or 3 pairs of branches, stout main stem, stem diameter above 0.4cm, and no curved root. The irrigated land can be planted in advance (February-March), and the planting row spacing depends on the topographic environment, usually planting 330mi 420 plants per mu.

Water and fertilizer management

Topdressing management: the average amount of fertilizer applied to young plants was 3-5kg of organic fertilizer, 50g of calcium magnesium phosphorus, 100g of urea and 50g of compound fertilizer. The average amount of fertilizer applied to adult plants was 7-10kg of organic fertilizer, 100g of urea, 150g of compound fertilizer, 50g of calcium magnesium phosphorus and 150g of potassium sulfate. Combined with growing period, flowering period, strong fruit, overwintering fertilizer 3Mel was applied for 5 times. If deficiency of trace elements occurs, attention should be paid to the application of compensation.

Water conservancy irrigation: coffee is a shallow root crop, and its flowering season is in the dry season in our province. Soil moisture and atmospheric humidity in the field seriously affect the quality of flowering, the development of floral organs and the formation of young fruits. Sufficient water, consistent flowering, high fruit setting rate, good fruit growth and development, otherwise poor, or even cause withered branches, the planted young trees will die because of drought. It is suggested that all new development areas should choose places with more convenient water sources and try their best to create conditions to solve the facilities of furrow irrigation and drip irrigation.

Shaded trees and ground cover

Coffee is a semi-shaded tree species, it is recommended to establish a moderate shade degree of 30%. In the site environment of growing coffee in our province, it is generally difficult to solve the problem of water conservancy and irrigation. the water season is in the dry season, and it is also the season to compete with other crops for water. It is not easy to rely on irrigation to meet the water demand in the coffee field. It is necessary to loosen the soil in time after the end of the rainy season, using ground dead cover and plastic film mulching (infancy).