Coffee review

Description of Flavor of Yunnan small Coffee Flavor Mountain introduction to the treatment method of manor production area

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Although the environmental problems of coffee cultivation can reach the standard of hot areas, they are far away from the equator, evaporation, large-scale coffee cultivation in Yunnan is less than 1100m above sea level, the severe drought in Yunnan in recent years, and the frost period in the producing areas, and so on, all make coffee planting can not be guaranteed normally, which directly affects the quality of coffee production. As for other processing problems, not to mention the quality of farmers, tea

Although the environmental problems of coffee cultivation can reach the standard of hot areas, they are far away from the equator, evaporation, large-scale coffee cultivation in Yunnan is less than 1100m above sea level, the severe drought in Yunnan in recent years, and the frost period in the producing areas, and so on, all make coffee planting can not be guaranteed normally, which directly affects the quality of coffee production. As for other processing problems, not to mention the quality of farmers, tea farmers have been drinking tea for generations, but farmers may not have had coffee in their lives.

Say so much, but it doesn't mean that you haven't had a cup of good Yunnan coffee, and if the post-processing and baking is good, as a friend here said, the coffee from several hills, such as Pu'er Man Laojiang, Manzhong Tian Kaddura, Baoshan Lujiang Baihualing Ironpika, Guang Kang bourbon and so on, are still good, especially resistant to the old varieties at an altitude of 1800m.

The western and southern parts of Yunnan Province are located between 15 °N and the Tropic of Cancer, and most areas are 1000-2000 meters above sea level. The topography is dominated by mountains and slopes, with large ups and downs, fertile soil, sufficient sunshine, rich rainfall and large temperature difference between day and night. These unique natural conditions form the particularity of Yunnan small grain coffee taste-strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, slightly fruity. As early as the 1950s, Yunnan small seed coffee was very popular in the international coffee market and was rated as the top grade of coffee.

The history of coffee cultivation in Yunnan can be traced back to 1892. A French missionary brought coffee to Yunnan from abroad and successfully planted it in a valley in Binchuan County, Yunnan Province. The coffee plants of this batch of coffee seeds are still blooming and bearing fruit in Binchuan County.

Yunnan coffee was planted on a large scale in the mid-1950s, with a planting scale of 4000 hectares at one time. By the end of 1997, the planting area of coffee in the province had reached 7800 hectares. At present, the planting area of the province accounts for 70% of the national area, and the output accounts for 83% of the whole country. Yunnan coffee has established the dominant position in China in terms of planting area and coffee bean production.

The work of the association has a long way to go. In the future, we will further strengthen the exchanges and cooperation between Yunnan coffee industry and domestic and international, help Yunnan coffee industry integrate into the international economic free trade system, and strive to create a modern coffee planting, production and sales industry chain, so as to greatly enhance the international image of "Yunnan coffee" and help our province's coffee brands go deeper to the whole country and the world. Provide a high-quality service and support platform.