Coffee review

Introduction to the geographical characteristics of Sidamo coffee bean production area, taste and flavor description method, grinding scale production area

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Xidamo coffee bean production area geographical characteristics, taste and flavor description processing method grinding scale production area introduction Kaibedo is a small coffee cooperative in a small town in Dala, Sidamo Province. the average planting area of each small coffee farmer here is about 0.6 hectares. it is composed of hundreds of coffee farmers with an altitude of nearly 2000 meters above sea level, a large temperature difference in climate and fertile soil.

Sidamo coffee beans geographical characteristics of the production area taste flavor description processing method grinding scale production area introduction

Caberdo is a small coffee cooperative in a small town in the Dara region of Sidama Province. Each coffee farmer here has an average planting area of about 0.6 hectares. It is composed of hundreds of coffee farmers. Its planting altitude is nearly 2000 meters. The climate temperature difference is large, and the soil is fertile. It provides an excellent growing environment. The beans themselves emit a strong aroma of raisins and fermented wine. The dark brown beans are actually small in size, slender, but the weight on the hand is very solid. After baking, we find that bright berry aromas or rich chocolate-like aftertaste make this bean bright whether it is light baked or deep baked.

Yirgacheffe, with its unique aroma, comes from a small town called Yirga in the northwest of Sidamo province. Yerga Sherphine (Yirgacheffe) Coffee beans are one of the most distinctive coffees in the world. They are rare and expensive. They are produced in the plateau area of Sidamo Province, Ethiopia, at an altitude of 2,000 meters. They are outstanding representatives of African washed coffee. They have always enjoyed a good reputation in the eyes of coffee connoisseurs all over the world. Rare washed high-quality Arabica coffee is suitable for various degrees of roasting. It perfectly presents fresh and bright floral aroma and beautiful complete bean type. Mocha is generally difficult to match the high-end coffee. Unique citrus, lemon fruit aroma, but also with jasmine fragrance, has a similar sour wine, taste clean and no miscellaneous feeling, just like drinking freshly cooked citrus fruit tea aftertaste lasting. Floral and citrus aromas are full, and the performance is amazing. After moderate roasting, it has a soft sour taste, and after deep roasting, it emits a rich aroma. Rich and uniform taste is the most attractive feature of Ethiopian Yerga Coffee. It is known as the best coffee bean in Ethiopia and is the representative of East African fine coffee. Yerga Coffee is the most unique coffee in the world today.

Ethiopian Sidama is a type of Arabica coffee of single origin, grown in Sidama province of Ethiopia. Like most African coffees, Ethiopian sidamo is characterized by small grey beans, but is characterized by its rich, spicy, alcoholic or chocolate-like flavor and floral aroma. The most distinctive flavors found in all Sidamo coffees are lemon and citrus, bright and crisp acidity. Sidamo coffee includes Yirgachefe and guji coffee, both of which are of excellent quality.